Women's Premier Soccer League

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The Women's Premier Soccer League , often abbreviated as WPSL , is an American football competition in women's football .

Background and story

The Women's Premier Soccer League was established in 1998 by the United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA). A championship divided into different regional seasons, so-called "conferences", is played in it. Following a regular season limited to the regional area, first national and then nationwide play-offs take place in which the champions are determined at the overall US level.

Since amateur teams also compete in addition to professional and semi-professional teams, the WPSL championship is basically the second highest division in the USA. In the interruptions in which after the collapse and the dissolution of the championships of the Women's United Soccer Association (WUSA) and the Women's Professional Soccer (WPS) she was temporarily the top flight, resulting in the establishment of the 2012 Women's Premier Soccer League Elite culminated . This new division, which was located above the actual WPSL championship and included some of the teams represented there to date, was discontinued after only one season after the establishment of the National Women's Soccer League at the end of 2012 . Since then, the WPSL is again the second highest division in US women's football and the highest division in USASA.

In 2003, the USASA initiated an analogue men's championship, which has since been played in the National Premier Soccer League . This is located in the hierarchy of US league football on the fourth level.

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