Women in Crime Ink

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Women in Crime Ink is an American daily crime blog that publishes both original and aggregated content. The blog was founded on March 10, 2008 as “a well of thoughts on crime and media issues from women criminal justice professionals and authors”. The website features original content and coverage of crime, media, books, literature, high profile crime cases and crime news.


Women in Crime Ink has published commentary and analysis of crime and media events from journalists, criminal justice professionals and television personalities, including: Pulitzer Prize- winning science writer Deborah Blum ; the legal analyst Anne Bremner ; the case analyst Pat Brown ; forensic scientist Andrea Campbell ; the True Crime -author and novelist Kathryn Casey ; with the Emmy excellent TV news magazine producer Lisa R. Cohen ; the television journalist and presenter Diane Dimond; former police officer and commentator Stacy Dittrich ; true crime writer and crime fiction writer Diane Fanning ; legal analyst Susan Filan ; body language expert Lillian Glass ; the clinical psychologist and author Michelle Golland ; former prosecutor Holly Hughes ; the crime analyst Sheryl McCollum ; the prosecutor Donna Pendergast ; the author, former prosecutor and TV legal analyst Robin Sax ; criminal defense attorney Katherine Scardino ; true crime writer and journalist Cathy Scott ; the news anchor Michelle Sigona ; psychotherapist and anger counselor Gina Simmons ; and investigative specialist Donna Weaver . Of the six original founders - including Vanessa Leggett , a writer jailed by the US Department of Justice for protecting sources for a book about murder victim Doris Angleton - three remain: Brown, Pendergast, and Weaver.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Andrea Campbell: New Blog: Womenincrimeink - CrimeSpace. In: crimespace.ning.com. March 12, 2008, accessed May 7, 2020 .
  2. Women in Crime Ink. In: womenincrimeink.blogspot.com. Retrieved May 7, 2020 .
  3. Exciting News from Women in Crime Ink - PR.com. In: pr.com. July 28, 2010, accessed May 7, 2020 .