World Hijab Day

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The World Hijab Day (WHD) is an annually on February 1 veranstalteter Action , Women's concealment hijab is to bring them closer.

The day of action was launched in 2013 by the Muslim Nazma Khan and is now held in over 140 countries.

No hijab day

Simultaneously on February 1st, women's rights activists like the Saudi Arabian Ensaf Haidar, wife of the imprisoned Raif Badawi , or the blogger Yasmine Mohammed, as well as associations like Terre des Femmes and the Central Council of Ex-Muslims call for No Hijab Day ("Day against the headscarf" ) on.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Does "World Hijab Day" play down the oppression of women? . Welt Online, January 31, 2019.
  2. Alexandra Eul: #NoHijabDay: Muslim women call , Emma , February 1, 2019