Worst seller

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Worst Seller (English about: the worst-selling book ) is a term from the publishing industry.

The term, which does not yet exist in English, is the opposite of bestseller and describes a book that has hardly or very little sold over a long period of sales.


One example is Stendhal's work On Love ( De l'amour. Paris 1822). The worst-selling book of all time only sold one copy every five months. It took 191 years for the entire first edition to sell out.

In 2006, the Swiss Diogenes Verlag published the house's worst sellers in its own paperback brochure. The surprising thing about this listing was that it only contained familiar names. Only sporadic information is available from other publishers. For 2006, however, the FAZ was able to compile the list below for all publishers (although central publishers such as Suhrkamp are missing due to a lack of information).

rank author title Copies
1 Muriel Spark Loitering with intent
( Loitering with Intent )
2 Eugenio Montale Poems 14th
3 Stefano Benni The Time Jumper
( Saltatempo )
4th Erich Maria Remarque The unknown work 17th
5 Leonid Dobycin In the governorate of S. 21st
6th Anna Seghers Fishermen uprising 22nd
7th Heinrich Mann Breath 49
8th David Albahari Five words 54
9 Claude Simon The tram
( Le Tramway )
10 Jean Améry Beyond guilt and atonement 76

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