Vsya Evropa

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Wsja Jewropa (spelling of the publisher: Vsya EVROPA, original spelling: Вся ЕВРОПА, translation: All of Europe) is a Russian-language glossy magazine in Russian that appears in Germany . The first issue appeared in October 2002.

It appears every two months with 75,000 copies by Verlag Werner Media Group GmbH, Berlin.

target group

The magazine is aimed at wealthy Russian-speaking cosmopolitans (according to the publisher, 60% of Vsya EVROPA is read by women) who live in Europe or visit major European cities, health resorts and business centers.

Editorial concept

In short, it is about European trends and brands in Russian. The magazine presents luxurious luxury European lifestyle: fashion, haute couture, high jewelery, watchmaking, beauty, spa, travel, luxury food and wine-themed, design, architecture, cars, yachts, private aviation, technology, culture and art, and in Europe. Cultural highlights in Europe are presented - trade fairs, concerts, opera performances, exhibitions, important folk festivals such as B. Oktoberfest, the most important national holidays of European countries and much more. People who are successful in Europe and come from the countries of the former USSR are portrayed as well as traditional European houses, artists and business people.


Vsya EVROPA also has Russian-language editions in the Ukraine , Kazakhstan and Great Britain , which are aimed at cosmopolitan readers who live there and who are interested in Europe . The editorial office for all editions is Berlin .

Web links