Miracle warrior pig

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Wunderwarzenschwein ( Wonder Wart-Hog ) is an underground comic by the American comic artist Gilbert Shelton , which was created in the USA from the early 1960s . The first episodes appeared in Pete Millar's drag cartoons , later mostly in the Rip Off Press . In Germany, the series was mainly known through publications related to the Freak Brothers .

Many traits of typical American comic book superheroes are caricatured and satirized , especially the Supermans . B. Wunderwarzenschwein does not go on the hunt for criminals for comparatively 'noble' motifs, but rather for very material reasons such as greed for money and the urge to be well received by the ladies. His other preferences are accordingly unorthodox, namely beer, hearty food, car and motorcycle races, comics, football, etc.


The "Kühne Keiler" has an extremely muscular human body weighing almost 400 kg, on which, however, sits the bristly head of a wild boar with a long trunk. Often his body odor or hairiness is indicated as being more animalistic. Wonder pig has superhuman powers, X-ray vision and can fly; like Superman, however, he also has an Achilles heel , namely strawberry-rhubarb cake, which neutralizes his strength. Under his house is a secret command center , the Wunderkoben (Koben = pigsty); his super vehicle is called the Keiler-Kalesche .


Miracle warthog's secret alter ego is Philbert Desanex , a shy, skinny reporter for the newspaper Misfortune am Morgen , who is constantly harassed and exploited by his boss, without Desanex having the guts to defend himself. The scenes from the publisher are very reminiscent of corresponding scenes in the Daily Bugle in Spider-Man , but are satirically exaggerated ("Desanex! Your reports make me sick! Get out and report on the Turtle Olympics in Gruntville! Here! Catch! One of the brand new 25 cent coins! Expenses! ”).

Desanex, who is chronically short of money, takes on the most humiliating reportage assignments and habitually encounters various criminals and grotesque super villains, such as: B. the masked Miesnik alias (on Sundays and holidays) psuper psychiatrist , the cake-throwing and itch powder-sprinkling super joker , super patriot , superoma , the chimerical chameleon , hyper-hypnotist and others.

He also works in a team of heroes with the victorious Seven , which also have superhero characters as an example: Sperling (English Sparrow.), His small childlike helpers, following Robin (= Robin), the Sidekick Batman ; Käpt'n Knorke (a Shazam imitation with a potbelly); Daddy-Bat (Batman with Bowler Hat and Peace Sign); an elastic mutant named Spastikus (Mr.Fantastic); the Kackwanst (a pile of garbage with intelligence) and the main field ( Captain America ).

It is characteristic of Wunderwarzenschwein that he does not catch criminals and super villains for fame and honor or out of patriotism, but out of greed for money and in the hope of improving his chances with the “wonderfully shaped American chicks”. His methods are naive and brutal at the same time. If need be, miracle guinea pig mashes his opponents on the walls of houses, turns their necks several times or stomps them in the ground. Sometimes he moves so quickly that they are captured or even died before a reward was offered to them.

German editions

  • The special occurrences of Philbert Desanex alias Wonder Wart-Hog . 1977, two thousand and one, translated by Manfred Klopsky and Harry Rowohlt.
  • Miracle warrior pig . 1982, Volksverlag, translated by Herbert Becker a. a., ISBN 3-88631-114-7

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