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Xpider ( Engl. E x tended s pider "Advanced spider") is a web crawler that of the German stock exchange system has been developed and the entory is sold. He can collect information independently and evaluate it based on criteria specified by the user . The exact functionality of XPIDER is not known. A special feature of XPIDER is the ability to learn. This makes it possible not only to search automatically, but also to improve the relevance of the search results over time.

The program will, among other things by the Federal Ministry of Finance , used to in Internet - auction houses like Ebay , - classified advertising and other -Verkaufportalen after tax evaders search to.

In November 2006, however , the Federal Audit Office found that XPIDER “despite several years of data research” did not succeed in “effectively identifying people who had withheld from the tax authorities sales and profits from goods and services offered on the Internet” . XPIDER apparently transmitted massive amounts of data, but the rate of cases that justified a closer examination was only in the per mille range. And none of these reviews came out. According to the Federal Audit Office, the data collected were “inconclusive” and therefore “unusable” .

In its report, however, the Federal Audit Office only looked at the period shortly after the introduction of the XPIDER in 2003. Today, the XPIDER is operated successfully by the Federal Ministry of Finance in a significantly modified version. The individual tax offices throughout Germany have also adapted their research processes so that the data provided by XPIDER can also be used efficiently. Since February 2006, the XPIDER has been checking up to 100,000 websites every day in order to track down online sellers who could evade taxes.

In November 2013, it became known through the media that consideration was being given to monitoring recipients of Hartz IV benefits with regard to mass sales of goods over the Internet using XPIDER.


  1. entory AG: Product description Xpider ( Memento of the original from September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 97 kB)  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / deutsche-boerse.com
  2. ^ Information from the Federal Audit Office, printed matter 16/3200, p. 37 (PDF; 2.1 MB)
  3. Answer to a small question from the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag (PDF; 71 kB)
  4. ^ Spiegel online: Employment agency wants to monitor Hartz IV recipients in the network

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