Yanaihara Tadao

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Yanaihara Tadao

Yanaihara Tadao ( Japanese 矢 内 原 忠雄 ; born January 27, 1893 in Ehime Prefecture ; died December 25, 1961 ) was a Christian Japanese economist during the Shōwa period .

life and work

Yanaihara Tadao graduated from Tokyo University with a degree in economics , worked for the Sumitomo company for a while and became professor of colonial policy in 1923. In this capacity he taught about colonial policy not only in Japan but also abroad. His point of view was that of a Christian socialist, strongly influenced by the ideas of the thinkers Uchimura Kanzo , Nitobe Inazo and Yoshino Sakuzo , in particular by Uchimura's concept of "non-church Christianity" (無 教会 主義, Mukyōkai shugi).

In the 1930s, Yanaihara became a critic of Japanese colonial policy, beginning with the incursion into Manchuria in 1931. He was attacked by right-wing colleagues for his articles for Chūō Kōron magazine, in which he was critical of Japanese foreign policy . He finally gave up his professorship in December 1935.

Yanaihara spent the war years with Christian-pacifist-motivated activities, returned to Tokyo in 1945 to the university. He now taught international economics, founded the "Social Science Research Institute" (東京 大学 社会 科学 研究所, Tōkyō daigaku shakaikagaku kenkyūjo) and became its first director. From 1951 to 1957 he was President of the University of Tokyo.

Yanaihara left behind numerous works, most of them on imperialist colonial policy and Christianity, such as "Shokumin oyobi shokumin seisaku" (植 民 及 植 民 政策), "Colonizers and colonization planning", 1926 or "Kirisutokyō nyūmon" (キ リ ス ト 教 入門) Introduction ”, 1952. From 1963 to 1964, Iwanami Shoten published a complete edition of his writings“ Yanaihara Tadao Zenshū ”(矢 内 in 忠雄 全集) in 29 volumes.


  • S. Noma (Ed.): Yanaihara Tadao . In: Japan. An Illustrated Encyclopedia. Kodansha, 1993, ISBN 4-06-205938-X
  • Hunter, Janet: Yanaihara Tadao . In: Concise Dictionary of Modern Japanese History. Kodansha International, 1984. ISBN 4-7700-1193-8 .

Web links

Commons : Yanaihara Tadao  - collection of images, videos and audio files