Yinqueshan bamboo texts from the Han period

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The Yinqueshan bamboo texts from the Han period ( Chinese  銀雀山 漢 簡 or 银雀山 汉 简 , Pinyin Yínquèshān Hànjiǎn ) were found in 1972 in graves No. 1 and 2 at the foot of the Yinqueshan ("Silver Sparrow Mountains "), southeast of the Discovered Linyi City in Shandong Province . In grave number 1, 4,942 closely inscribed strips of bamboo were discovered that contain parts of known texts, as well as a number of previously unknown military and fortune telling texts that have been found to resemble chapters in the ancient philosophical works of Guanzi and Mozi . The grave owner was identified as an officer with the family name Sima.

Tomb No. 2, excavated in the same year, contained 32 strips of bamboo written on, which clearly represented sections of a calendar for the 134 BC. Chr. Represent.

The burial time for both graves was dated to around 140 BC. BC / 134 BC BC and 118 BC Chr. Dated, the texts were previously written on the bamboo strips. After restoration and proper arrangement, the strips were arranged in an order of nine groups and 154 sections. The first group comprised 13 fragmentary chapters from Sunzi's The Art of War and five indefinite chapters; the second group were the 16 chapters of Sun Bins Martial Arts , which were missing 1,400 years; the third contained the seven original and lost chapters from the Six Strategies ( Tai Gong liutao or Liutao ) (of which only the titles of the lost chapters were known before this important find); the fourth and fifth included five chapters from Wei Liaozi and 16 chapters from Yanzi chunqiu ; the remaining groups included anonymous writings.


group Chinese translation ##
01 孫子兵 法
(十三 篇 殘 文 ; 佚文 五篇)
The Martial Arts of Master Sun ( Sunzi bingfa )
(13 chapters and 5 chapters ascribed)
02 孫 臏 兵法
(十六 篇)
Sun Bin Art of War ( Sun Bin bingfa )
(16 chapters)
03 尉繚子
Wei Liaozi
(5 chapters)
04 晏子
(十六 篇)
Yanzi (or Yanzi chunqiu )
(16 chapters)
05 六韜
(七 篇 殘 文 ; 傳 本 佚文 七 篇)
Six Strategies ( Liutao )
(7 original and attributed chapters)
06 守法 守令 十三 篇
(十 篇)
Maintaining Peace and Order Shoufa , Shoubing
(10 Chapters)
07 論 政論 兵 之 類
(五十 篇)
Discourse on politics and war etc. ( Zhenglun , Zhengbing )
(50 chapters)
08 陰陽 時令 占 候 之 類
(十二 篇)
Yin Yang and fortune telling etc. ( Yinyang , Shiling , Zhanhou )
(12 chapters)
09 其他 之 類
(十三 篇)
others etc.
(13 chapters)


  • Rainer Holzer: Yen-tzu and the Yen-tzu-ch'un-ch'iu , Frankfurt am Main; Bern: Lang, 1983 ( Würzburger Sino-Japonica ; 10)
  • Yinqueshan Hanmu zhujian zhengli xiaozu (ed.). Yinqueshan Hanmu zhujian (bamboo texts from the Hanzeitischen grave in Yinqueshan). Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1985, 1989.
  • Song Aizhen et al .: Yinque Mountain Bamboo Slip Museum, Linyi: Yinqueshan Han Tomb Zhujian Museum (chin.)
  • Zhu Yuanqing: Excavated Chinese Texts and Their Traditional Studies: Yinqueshan, Military Science and Wars, Shanghai: East China Normal University Chubanshe 2001 (chin.)
  • Li Xueqin : The Lost Bamboo and Silk Texts and the Academic History, Nanchang: Jiangxi Education Publishing House, 2001, ISBN 7-5392-3606-X (chin.)
  • Yinqueshan Han mu zhujian zhengli xiaozu: Yinqueshan Hanmu zhujian Sunzi bingfa , Beijing: Wenwuchubanshe, 1976
  • Wu Jiulong 吳九龍: Yinqueshan Hanjian shiwen 銀雀山 漢 簡釋 文, Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1985,

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See also