Zacharias Frankel College

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The Zacharias Frankel College is an affiliated institute of the University of Potsdam and trains conservative / Masorti rabbis. The college, which opened in 2013, is the fifth training center for rabbis of the conservative / Masorti movement. Other conservative / Masorti rabbinical seminars are the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York, the Schechter Rabbinical Seminary in Jerusalem, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, and the Seminario Latinoamericano Marshall T. Meyer in Buenos Aires.

Zacharias Frankel College is under the religious direction of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and was founded in partnership with the Leo Baeck Foundation. The college was named after Rabbi Zacharias Frankel (1801-1875), the founding director of the Jewish Theological Seminary in Wroclaw, which existed from 1854 to 1938.

The course usually lasts five years, during which the students receive a BA and MA degree in Jewish theology from the University of Potsdam, as well as take part in various courses at the Zacharias Frankel College that lead to ordination. The students also spend a year at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem and do internships in a synagogue and / or educational institution.  

With their ordination, graduates of the Zacharias Frankel College are entitled to membership in the International Rabbinical Assembly of Masorti / Conservative Rabbis , the professional association of Masorti rabbis, which has around 1700 members worldwide.

Rabbi Bradley S. Artson and Rabbi Cheryl Peretz, Dean and Vice-Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, serve as Dean and Vice-Dean of Zacharias Frankel College. Rabbi Walter Homolka is executive director. Rabbi Gesa S. Ederberg, rabbi of the conservative / Masorti synagogue Oranienburger Strasse in Berlin, is Director of Congregational Proficiency and responsible for practical training at the college. Sandra Anusiewicz-Baer is the coordinator of the Zacharias Frankel College.

Nitzan Stein Kokin was the first to graduate from Frankel College. She was solemnly ordained on June 18, 2017/24. Sivan 5777 in the parish hall of the Jewish community in Berlin on Fasanenstrasse.

 Web links


  1. Nizan Stein Kokin - The first Masorti rabbi trained in Germany . In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur . ( [accessed on February 5, 2018]).
  2. Ryan Torok: Moving & Shaking: Wise School, "Jerusalem of Gold," and Gene Simmons - Jewish Journal . In: Jewish Journal . June 21, 2017 ( [accessed February 5, 2018]).