Time island

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Passenger change on the lane

The time island is a special form of the stop . In the more recent literature it is called a dynamic stop . In order to enable passengers to change at this stop, an area of ​​the street is temporarily closed to traffic by means of a traffic light . This eliminates the structural facilities that would otherwise be required, such as a central island to ensure the change of passengers. The necessary components of a stop (shelter, benches, machines, etc.) are set up on the sidewalk.

The time island is usually used for trams , less often for light rail vehicles.


The light signals for the vehicles are switched automatically by the tram. A distinction is made between two methods, depending on the construction of the rail and roadways:

  • If the tracks are embedded in the carriageway so that motor vehicles can also use this lane, the signal is only switched when the train enters the stopping area. With this type of switching, it can happen that vehicles that are parallel to the train enter the stopping area when the traffic light signal is yellow, thereby endangering passengers.
  • If it is structurally possible that the train is not blocked by a vehicle in front, the switching can take place in good time so that the traffic light shows red before the train enters the stopping area. The vehicles are then already in front of the red light and pedestrians are rarely impaired.

Picture gallery

Both pictures show a bus stop in Dresden

Individual evidence

  1. Research Society for Roads and Transport (cross-sectional committee Definitions): Definitions. Part: traffic planning, road design and road operation. FGSV e. V., Cologne 2000, ISBN 978-3-86446-024-1 , p. 71.