Journal of Crystallography - New Crystal Structures

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Journal of Crystallography - New Crystal Structures

description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise Crystallography
language English
publishing company Walter de Gruyter , Berlin ( Germany )
First edition 1997
Frequency of publication 6 issues per year
Web link
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures (abbreviated: Z. Kristallogr. NCS ) is a crystallographic journal , the contents of which are freely available as an open-access journal in full text.

The journal for crystallography - New Crystal Structures was created in 1997 when the journal for crystallography was split up alongside the journal for crystallography - Crystalline Materials . The numbering of the volumes was continued from the previous magazine, the 1997 edition therefore has the volume number 212. Currently, six issues appear per year.

This specialized journal publishes new determinations and revisions of previously published crystal structures. Each article includes at least one structural image, information on the origin of the material and important crystallographic information.

The editor is Guido J. Reiss , editor-in-chief Hubert Huppertz .

In 2016, the journal's impact factor was 0.152 according to its own information.

Individual evidence

  1. Hubert Huppertz, Guido J. Reiss: Editorial 2018 . In: Journal of Crystallography - New Crystal Structures . tape 233 , no. 1 , January 26, 2018, ISSN  2197-4578 , p. 1-2 , doi : 10.1515 / ncrs 2017 to 0348 ( [accessed on 14 October 2019]).
  2. ^ Journal of Crystallography - New Crystal Structures , accessed August 6, 2017.