Military history (GDR magazine)

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Military history

description Specialized body of Militärgeschichts-
Area of ​​Expertise Military history
language German
publishing company German military publisher
First edition 1962
attitude 1990
Frequency of publication from 1965 6 numbers a year
Editor-in-chief Karl Nuss (1962–1978),
Otto Hennicke (1978–1990),
Wolfgang Schulz (1990)
editor Military history institute of the GDR

Military history (until 1971 magazine for military history ) was a magazine founded in 1962 for military history in the GDR . According to its self-image, the magazine should break with the war history of an unfortunate past and contribute to preventing a new war.

After 166 issues, the magazine was discontinued in 1990 after the political change. The annual number of issues increased. In the year of publication 1962 there were two, 1963 and 1964 four and from 1965 six editions a year. The volume of a single issue was 128 printed pages, from 1984 only 98 pages of poor quality, since printing paper in the GDR was subject to strict quotas. In the 1980s it was no longer possible to take out a new subscription because the circulation was exhausted.


  • Hans-Joachim Beth (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift "Militärgeschichte", Bibliographisches Gesamtregister 1962–1990 . trafo verlag, Berlin 2000.