Zekeriya Oz

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Zekeriya Öz (* 1968) is a former public prosecutor in Turkey; from 2007 he was chief prosecutor in the Ergenekon and Balyoz trials. In 2013 Öz was the lead investigator in the corruption proceedings against various members of the government and friends of the then Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ( corruption scandal in Turkey 2013 ). Öz was released as a public prosecutor in mid-2015. In August 2015, the Istanbul Public Prosecutor opened an investigation against Öz. Öz evaded a summons by leaving for Germany.


Öz comes from a Muhacir family from Bulgaria. He grew up in Bursa and Yalova in simple circumstances in a family with allegedly six sisters. His father was a small trader. Öz went through elementary school and high school and then studied law at the University of Istanbul . He completed his studies in 1991. Öz then worked as a lawyer in Bursa. In 1997, Öz passed the exam for judges and prosecutors and worked in various roles as a prosecutor.

Öz became known in 2007 when the police found hand grenades during a search in Ümraniye . At that time, Öz held the position of deputy "Public Prosecutor of the Republic" and, as a special public prosecutor with special powers, headed the investigations that grew into the Ergenekon case. In 2011, Öz was unexpectedly transferred. and the investigation was withdrawn from him. Öz was also involved in a leading role in the corruption scandal in Turkey in 2013. Öz and his team arrested more than 70 government suspects in December 2013, bringing Erdogan's government to the brink of collapse. Numerous police officers and public prosecutors involved have been transferred, demoted or removed from office, including Zekeriya Öz. This was seen as a power struggle between the government and the Gülen movement .

In August 2015, the Istanbul Public Prosecutor's Office ordered the arrest of three prosecutors Zekeriya Oz, Celal Kara and Mehmet Yuzgec for "forming a criminal organization" and "attempting to overthrow the government by force". Shortly before the arrest warrants of their threatened arrest were announced, the trio fled the country. Turkey called on the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to extradite the former prosecutors Zekeriya Öz and Celal Kara.

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Individual evidence

  1. Erdoğan's fallen favorite. Retrieved July 11, 2017 .
  2. Milliyet of March 30, 2011
  3. https://bazonline.ch/ausland/europa/drei-tuerkische-staatsanwaelte-fliehen-vor-erdogans-justiz/story/20978208
  4. https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/europa/drei-tuerkische-staatsanwaelte-fliehen-vor-erdogans-justiz/story/20978208
  5. http://www.badische-zeitung.de/deutschland-1/klares-nein-keine-amtshilfe-fuer-erdogan--125510291.html