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Zentavesta is a simple dice and arithmetic game with three dice and a dice cup for any number of players.

Style of play

Zentavesta is played with three dice. The displayed dice roll 6; 3; 1 results in a total of 10, so the player receives a bonus of 10 points and the roll is worth 20 points.

Any number of players can play in the Zentavesta game . The dice are rolled in turn, each player has only one roll with three dice. The eyes of all three dice are added to score the roll. If the total is less than or equal to 10, 10 points are added to the eyes, if it is higher than 10, 10 points are deducted from the total. This means that the highest achievable throw is a total of 10, as this counts 20 points together with the 10 point bonus. The lowest throw is a total of 11, as only one point remains after subtracting 10 points. The player with the lowest number of points in the round is eliminated and the game continues until a winner is determined.

In a variant, the player is allowed to repeat the throw in the event of an unfavorable throw, but the second throw then applies in any case regardless of whether the first throw was better. As a variant, either the shown eyes or the opposite and thus covered eyes of all three dice can be scored.

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e "Zentavesta" In: Robert E. Lembke : The large house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; Pp. 257-258.
  2. a b c "Zentavesta" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 416.
  3. a b c "Zentavesta" In: Friedrich Pruss: Würfelspiele. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 10. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .


  • "Zentavesta" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 416.
  • "Zentavesta" In: Robert E. Lembke : The great house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; Pp. 257-258.
  • "Zentavesta" In: Friedrich Pruss: dice games. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 10. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .