Central Mosque (Almaty)

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The central mosque of Almaty

The Central Mosque of the city of Almaty ( Kazakh Алматы қаласының орталық мешіті ; Russian Центральная мечеть города Алматы Алма-Ата ) is a mosque in the Kazakh city of Almaty and the largest in Kazakhstan .


Construction of the mosque began in 1993. It was built on a site in the city where a mosque had been located since the end of the 19th century. It was completed in July 1999. It is located in the center of the city on Pushkin Street.

The three-story building is rectangular in shape. On the southwest side is the mihrāb , the Islamic prayer niche in mosques, which indicates the direction of prayer to Mecca . The large dome stands on an octagonal base and is 36 meters high and 20 meters in diameter. Below the dome are inscriptions with Koran suras , the lower edge of the dome is surrounded by a belt of colored mosaics. Originally the mosque had simple blue domes; In 2006 the main dome was clad with ceramic tiles. Between 2010 and 2011 the mosque was renovated and all domes were given gold plates.

The entrance on the eastern side is surrounded by a large portal with a pointed arch decorated with marble tiles. At the southeast corner there is a passage to the minaret . This measures a height of 47 meters.

Inside there is a hall with two-tier arcades . There are prayer rooms for men and women with separate entrances. The mihrab is decorated with ceramic tiles and epigraphic decorations. The mosque offers a total of 2,000 worshipers.


Web links

Commons : Central Mosque (Almaty)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Центральная мечеть. mecheti.azan.kz, accessed on August 14, 2019 (Russian).
  2. a b Central Mosque. dostoprim.almaty.kz, accessed on August 14, 2019.

Coordinates: 43 ° 16'5.7 "  N , 76 ° 57'11.4"  E