Central Post Office Klaipeda

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Royal Mail Palace in Klaipeda.jpg

The Central Post Office Klaipėda (lit. Klaipėdos centrinis paštas , German formerly the main post office Memel ) is a post office in the third largest Lithuanian city ​​of Klaipėda (German Memel). The building was originally built for the Deutsche Reichspost in what was then East Prussia . Today it belongs to the Lithuanian national postal company AB Lietuvos paštas . In 1987 the carillon was installed in the tower of the city's central post office, built in 1893. The project author of the renovation was Kostas Frankas. In 2017 it was planned to sell the post office. The value was 1.57 million euros (2017). The area of ​​the building is three thousand square meters, of which only 1,462.29 square meters are used. In the current Postpalast ensemble there is neo-Gothic , classicism and Art Nouveau, with neo-Gothic predominating.

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