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Zeriuani was the name for a Slavic dominion in the 9th century. His identity is unclear.

The Descriptio regionum et civitatorum of the so-called Bavarian geographer named Zeruani as regnum (kingdom) in a listing of regions east of the Frankish Empire: “Zeriuani, quod tantum est regnum, ut ex eo cunctae gentes Sclauorum exortae sint et originem, sicut affirmant. “ It is unclear which area is meant.

The regnum was probably a domain around the Tscherwen Castle in what is now eastern Poland. This was first mentioned in 981 when Prince Vladimir the Great of Kiev conquered it. The area was first referred to as Tscherwener Burgen (land) ( Tscherwenskie grody ) in 1018 . This localization is supported by the fact that the Zeruani is named between the Lendizi (Lendizen) and Prissani ( Pruzzen ), both of which can be located in eastern Poland.

But it was also suspected that Sorbs or Serbs could be meant. But this assignment is unlikely. The Sorbs were first mentioned in 631/632. In the Descriptio they were called Sorabi . Their settlement area was on the Elbe in what is now Saxony.


  • Heinrich Kunstmann: The Slavs. Her name, her migration to Europe and the beginnings of Russian history from a historical and onomastic point of view. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart 1996, ISBN 3-515-06816-3 , p. 126 ( online ).
  • Л. Войтович: Баварський географ: спроба етнолокалізації населення Центрально-Східної Європи IX ст. In: Український історичний журнал. , Volume 5 (No. 488), 2009, pp. 12-34 ( online ).