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Zerkon was a Moorish dwarf who lived with the Huns in the first half of the 440s . During this time it belonged to Bleda , Attila's brother .


Zerkon was among the prisoners who fell into the hands of the Huns under Attila and Bleda around 441 during the fighting against the Eastern Roman army master Aspar . The dwarf had previously been given to Aspar in the province of Africa , where he had fought against the vandals .

Attila didn't like Zerkon, who was lisping and had crippled feet; However, Bleda was delighted with the dwarf and took him in. The nickname Zerkon comes from Bleda, which means a court official in the Hunnic language.

When Zerkon fled with other prisoners one day, Bleda had him searched without bothering about the other fugitives. When he was brought back, Zerkon stated that he was longing for a wife as a reason to flee, whereupon Bleda married him to a noble Hunnin.

After Attila had eliminated his brother Bleda around 445, he gave Bleda's dwarf to the Western Roman army master Flavius ​​Aëtius , while Zerkon's wife had to stay with the Huns. Zerkon tried unsuccessfully to gain Attila's favor so that he could return to his wife. Aëtius ultimately gave the dwarf back to its original owner Aspar.

The most important source on Zerkon is the Eastern Roman historian Priskos . In 449 he took part in a delegation to Attila's court; in his text, which has been handed down in parts, he reports on the dwarf.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Klaus Rosen: Attila. The horror of the world . P. 121.
  2. Klaus Rosen: Attila. The horror of the world . Pp. 121-122.
  3. Klaus Rosen: Attila. The horror of the world . Pp. 126-127.