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The Zerla was an old liquid measure in the Lombard city of Brescia and was used especially for wine .

  • 1 Zerla = 72 Boccali = 49.7427 liters (52 liters)
  • 1 carro = 12-15 Zerla
  • 1 Zerla = 1 pint (new Lombard)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold Carl Bleibtreu : Handbook of coin, measure and weight and the exchange, government paper, banking and stock system of European and non-European countries and cities. Published by J. Engelhorn, Stuttgart 1863, p. 508.
  2. Andre Jullien, Eduard Roßnagel: The experienced wine cellar master. Verlag von Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1833, p. 206.