Zigmas Toliušis

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Zigmas Toliušis , pseudonym: Rigutis (* 1889 in Miliušiai ; † September 14, 1971 ) was a Lithuanian lawyer and chairman of the Lithuanian Bar Association .


Toliušas worked as a lawyer in Kaunas. From 1922 to 1927 he was a member of the Seimas, headed the faction of Valstiečiai liaudininkai (in the 3rd Seimas from 1926 to 1927). During the first Bolshevik period he was arrested and imprisoned, after World War II (1951) expelled to Siberia, from where he returned in 1955.

From July 1941 he headed the Soviet Lithuanian Bar Association. He was a member of Lietuvos teisininkų draugija .

Toliušas died in 1971. He found his final resting place in the cemetery of


  • Atsiminimai ir apybraižos. T. 1-5, (1943-1959, autogr. Ir mašinr.);
  • Mano Gyvenimo Kelias (1948);
  • Mano amžininkai (1953);
  • Mykolas Krupavičius (1953);
  • Atsiminimai apie advokatus (1949);
  • Apie Vienuolį (1957).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ LRS informacija
  2. ^ "Aidai" informacija .
  3. Advokatūros istorija