Cistercian Abbey of Sint Servaas (Utrecht)

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The Cistercian Abbey Sint Servaas was 1225-1579 a monastery of Cistercian nuns in Utrecht , Utrecht Province in the Netherlands .


The Benedictine convent of Sint Servaas (Saint Servaas , after Servatius von Tongern ), founded by a Utrecht canon outside the gates of the city in Abstede (today the eastern part of Utrecht), adopted the rule of the Cistercian order in 1225 and was moved to the city in 1227. The monastery was under the supervision of Kamp Monastery . From 1579 the monastery was progressive in a Protestant convent converted the knighthood and was as such until the 1795th


  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 434.

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