Bernard Peugniez

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Bernard Peugniez (born December 24, 1947 in Coutiches ) is a French author of guides to all (former and existing) Cistercian monasteries in Europe.

life and work

Professional career

Peugniez attended schools in Coutiches ( North Department ), Solesmes (1958-1965) and Saint-Amand-les-Eaux (1966). He studied agronomy at the Faculté libre des sciences et technologies in Lille from 1966 to 1968 and taught the subject in Lille until 1974. Then he worked for social institutions in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, and from 1982 to 2000 in Cambrai and most recently as head of the monastery Valloires settled Association . He completed the necessary additional training in 1979 in Rennes . In 2008 he retired. He lives in Douriez .

The Cistercian explorer

In his youth, Peugniez discovered the former Cistercian monastery of Vaucelles (south of Cambrai ) and was enthusiastic about the history and geography of the Cistercian order. He systematically traveled to the monastery locations and developed his life's work in stages in 1994, 2001 and 2012, the geographically ordered, cartographically and photographically documented, historical and current description of around 2000 European Cistercian monasteries (and Cistercian monasteries), be they in bloom or only as a wall remnant available. Since 1992 he has been a member of the European Charter Society for Cistercian Abbeys and Places .

Works (chronological)

  • Routier des abbayes cisterciennes de France . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 1994.
  • Ancienne abbaye cistercienne de Vaucelles . Gaud, Moisenay 2000. 48 pages.
  • Routier cistercien. Abbayes et sites: France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse. Nouvelle édition augmentée . Gaud, Moisenay 2001.
    • Review in: Analecta Cisterciensia 54, 2002, pp. 312–314 ("meritorious work", "indispensable for all those who deal with the (...) Cistercians in France and in the French-speaking area").
  • (with Henri Gaud) Regards sur le monde cistercien. Vol. 1. De Cîteaux à Alcobaça . Gaud, Moisenay 2002.
    • (Spanish) Miradas sobre el mundo cisterciense. Vol. 1. De Cîteaux à Alcobaça . Gaud, Moisenay 2002.
  • Le guide routier de l'Europe cistercienne. Esprit des lieux, patrimoine, hôtellerie . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012.
    • Review in: Analecta Cisterciensia 64, 2012, pp. 420–421 ("a life's work", "description of 2000 European Cistercian monasteries (and Cistercian convents)", "rich historical and architectural information", "all in all a wonderful book").

Web links