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The von Zscheplitz family , also Zschepplitz , Schep (p) litz or Tzschep (p) litz , is an extinct Saxon noble family that lived on several estates in the Weißenfelser care. These included the Sattelhof in Domsen and the village of Grunau . Both properties were fiefs of the diocese of Meißen zu Wurzen .


Relatively little information has come down to us about the von Zscheplitz family, whose hereditary burial was in the church in Domsen. With the demolition of the formerly owned towns of Domsen and Grunau due to the expansion of the lignite mine, the memory of this noble family has almost been extinguished.

As early as 1582, Georg von Zscheplitz was named as the owner of the Domsen manor (Sattelhof). In 1587 he acquired the nearby village of Grunau, which had previously been owned by the von Draschwitz family for a long time . When Georg von Zscheplitz died, the property fell to his two sons, Wolf and Hans von Zscheplitz, who agreed that Wolf von Zscheplitz would become the deceased father's successor to Grunau and Domsen in 1590 and 1592 respectively.

Wolf von Zscheplitz died in 1599 and left behind the three sons Wolf Georg, Georg and Carl von Zscheplitz, the latter two of whom were underage at the time. In a will, these two brothers received the village of Grunau and the paternal manor Domsen. But in 1617 they agreed with their older brother Wolf Georg von Zscheplitz that he would take over Grunau and Domsen and pay them off. In 1623 the two younger brothers were already dead. Georg von Zscheplitz, who was married to Elisabeth von Helldorff , had left the underage son Wolf Jobst von Zscheplitz and a daughter. The youngest brother Carl also left a son, Wolf Dietrich, who probably died at a young age. When Wolf Jobst was of legal age in 1636, he was given a loan to Domsen and Grunau, and then his track is lost.

The manor owner Wolf Georg von Zschepliz auf Domsen und Gruna died at the end of 1625 as the Electorate General Provisioner and his property fell to the sons Hans Georg and Hans Wolf von Zscheplitz, of whom only the eldest son Hans Georg von Zscheplitz was of legal age at the time. But he died on October 29, 1628, which means that half of his property fell to his younger brother Hans Wolf.

Since it was already becoming apparent at that time that the von Zscheplitz family could well become extinct, three of the highest state officials of Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony secured the right to the Domsen manor and the village of Grunau in the event that they were absent male heirs to the von Zscherbitz family, which is known to have actually happened in 1696.

In 1644 Hans Wolf von Zscheplitz died as the sole owner of Domsen and Grunau. His widow Christina reported the death of her husband and at the same time referred to their only, then 5 year old son Wolf Georg and three daughters who had emerged from the marriage. After reaching the age of majority, the son became the new landowner. He died on May 4, 1684 and was inherited by his son of the same name, Wolf Georg von Zscheplitz, who died on January 26, 1696 in Weimar, when this Saxon noble family became extinct.
