To the great light in the north

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To the great light in the north
legal form Registered association
founding January 16, 1922

place Berlin

To the great light in the north ( Russian Великий Свет Севера , scientific transliteration Velikij Svet Severa ) is a German-Russian Masonic lodge that was founded on January 16, 1922 by Russian-speaking brothers in Berlin .


Despite the prohibition of Freemasonry in Russia during the Tsarist period, German Freemasons tried to establish a lodge there: in 1918, the German Consul General in Saint Petersburg J. Gehrmann succeeded in establishing a Masonic Circle. A meeting was held in the Hotel Angleterre in Saint Petersburg in the summer of 1918. In September 1918, two departments were created in the circle, one German and one Russian. J. Gehrmann was the chairman of the German department, and AP Weretennikow of the Russian department. The circle was banned by the Bolshevik government in 1919. This made it necessary to found a German-Russian lodge abroad.

The brothers met again in Berlin. There, in 1920, meetings took place in Emserstraße under the name "Association of Russian Freemasons", which were led by the brothers Gehrmann and Weretennikow. In addition, Russian exiles were accepted into German Masonic lodges, including the Johannisloge Zu den Drei Lilien , daughter box of the Great National Mother Lodge " To the Three Worlds ". On January 16, 1922, a Russian lodge was founded in Berlin under the name “To the great light in the north” (To the three globes | GNML 3WK). By the time this lodge was closed in 1933, more than 100 brothers were accepted, including diplomats, business people, bankers and freelancers.

On June 15, 2013, the lodge was revived under the roof of the Grand Lodge of the Old Free and Accepted Masons of Germany (AFAM). She is currently working according to the ritual of the (AFAM) in German and Russian.

Lodge sign

An eight-seat cross with blue enamel was chosen as the symbol for the loge sign ( bijou ). In the center of the cross is a round plate with a red border and seven gold stars. In the center there is a white field on which sun rays shine from the light blue sky. The date when the lodge was founded should be engraved on the other side of the sign: January 16, 1922. The tape should be 4 cm wide with a blue stripe in the middle and white-red-white stripes on the edges of the tape.

There were two variants of the box seal: one in Russian and one in German; today's lodge only has the German version. The seal is also intended to serve as the lodge's coat of arms.

Famous lodge members

  • Gehrmann, Julius, German Consul General in Russia;
  • Lukasch IS, journalist, writer;
  • Midilev, Petr, major general, politician, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Bulgaria;
  • Sokolow PA, writer;
  • Sokolow-Kretschetow SA, poet, editor;
  • Weretennikov AP, major general, military engineer, statesman


  • List of members of the St. John's Lodge, belonging to the Association of the Great National Mother Lodge, Belonging to the Three World Globes, Zum Grossen Licht im Norden in Orient-Berlin, Berlin 1929
  • Friedrich Hasselbacher: Unmasked Freemasonry: On the Paths of International Freemasonry - the historical work of supranational powers . 1st edition. P. Hochmuth, Berlin 1936.
  • Heinrich Blume: The political face of Freemasonry (=  series of publications of the National Socialist Teachers' Association, Gau Südhannover-Braunschweig ). 3. Edition. E. Appelhaus & Company, undated 1937.
  • Werner Schwartz: The German Freemasonry of the 19th century until 1925, with special consideration of the GNML "3WK" . Great National Mother Lodge "To the Three World Balls" , Berlin 2002.
  • State Military Archives of the Russian Federation - RGVA, Fond 729, Moscow
  • Серков А.И .: Масонская ложа "Великий свет Севера" и русские писатели (1922–1933 гг.)
  • Серков А.И .: Русское масонство, 1731-2000. Энциклопедия, Москва 2001
  • Батюшин Н.С .: У истоков русской контрразведки. Сборник документов и материалов, 2007
  • Никольский Б.В .: Последние рыцари Российской империи. Из истории российского масонства первой четверти ХХ века: научно-историческое исследование, Севастование, 2010
  • Hass, Ludwik: Wolnomularstwo rosyjskie na obczyźnie i powrót w strony rodzinne 1918-1995, Dom Wydawn. Bellona, ​​1998
  • Hass, Ludwik: Świat wolnomularski: specifically: (lata trzydzieste - lata dziewięćdziesiąte XX wieku): geografia, liczebność, odłamy, nurty, ponadpaństwowe porozumienia i organizacje. Trudne czasy 1932-1945, Łowiczu, 2004

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