Two-sided Laplace transform

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In mathematics , the two-sided Laplace transformation is an integral transformation that is closely related to the usual Laplace transformation, which is sometimes called one-sided to distinguish it.


For a real or complex valued function of a real variable , the two-sided Laplace transform for all complex numbers is through the integral

Are defined.

The difference to the usual Laplace transform is the integration of up instead of over .

In systems theory , the two-sided Laplace transformation, in contrast to the usual one-sided Laplace transformation, only plays a subordinate role. The reason is that in physics and technology only causal systems that occur can be described with the one-sided Laplace transformation. In the theoretical analysis of non-causal systems, these are systems that show an effect before the triggering cause, the two-sided Laplace transform is to be used, which, depending on the function , shows poor convergence behavior. For causal systems, the result of the two-sided Laplace transform is identical to the usual one-sided Laplace transform. The two-sided Laplace transform also occurs in probability theory for moment-generating functions .


With the Heaviside function , the two-sided and the one-sided Laplace transformation can be set in the following context:

Equally important, the following relationship exists between the two transformations:

The following relationship exists with the Mellin transformation :

and the inverse relationship:


  • Wilbur R. LePage: Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers. Dover Publications, 1980.
  • Balthasar van der Pol and H. Bremmer: Operational Calculus based on the Two-sided Laplace Transform. Cambridge University Press, 1964.