Second hand

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Second hand

description Berliner Offertenblatt
publishing company Second Hand Verlag GmbH, Berlin
Frequency of publication on-line
Web link

The second hand is an online portal for classified ads. It was founded in 1983 as an advertising paper for the West Berlin area. Since 2007 it has been a 100% subsidiary of the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel . The Second Hand appeared at times three times a week. There were also special magazines for motorcycles (BikerBörse) , real estate and vehicles, which were discontinued until 2012. Since 1995, the second hand has put its entire content on the Internet and in 1997 introduced an online service for a fee. In 2009 the online classifieds markets of Quoka and Second Hand were merged. In September 2013 the shareholder Tagesspiegel decided to discontinue the print version on November 1, 2013 for economic reasons. The second hand online was, according to its own advertising, "with more than 1 million ads and 10 million visits per month [...] the market leader in classified ads". Since April 2016 the site has been operated by ebay classifieds GmbH.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Market leaders join forces: Second Hand and Quoka create Germany's largest classifieds portal. ( Memento from October 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) In: , October 22, 2009
  2. ver.di Facebook group