Second Silesian School

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The term Second Silesian (Poets) School denotes a number of Silesian authors. The expression is said to have been documented since the end of the 17th century; it was then mainly used by literary historians of the 19th century, including Georg Gottfried Gervinus and Ludwig Fulda , who saw the authors in question as so related that they became one Group united, although the authors concerned were by no means organized as a “school”. The constructive nature of the designation was mostly known to literary historians, who nevertheless considered its use permissible. Today it is considered obsolete in research literature and is only used in quotation marks, while the unreflected use only lives on in lexicons.

The main representatives are Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau and Daniel Casper von Lohenstein , other representatives are their imitators Hans Aßmann Freiherr von Abschatz , Gottfried Benjamin Hancke , Benjamin Neukirch and other authors who, in the first volumes of the anthology of poetry, Herr von Hoffmannswaldau and other Germans were selected and bitter unprinted poems were represented.


  1. ^ Peter Schwind: Silesian poet school . In: Metzler Literature Lexicon . 2nd Edition. Metzler, Stuttgart 1990, p. 414.


  • Willi Flemming: Silesian schools . In: Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturgeschichte . 2nd Edition. Volume 3. de Gruyter, Berlin: 1977, pp. 635-646.

See also