Gottfried Benjamin Hancke

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Gottfried Benjamin Hancke

Gottfried Benjamin Hancke (* around 1695 in Schweidnitz , Duchy of Schweidnitz ; † around 1750 in Dresden ?) Was a German lyric poet of the Baroque period .


Hancke's life dates are completely unknown. Presumably he attended a grammar school in Breslau and then apparently studied law for some time , because he later describes himself as a lawyer from Schweidnitz . Since his first works were also printed there, this is likely to have been his place of residence. Of great importance for Hancke's poetic career was his support from Count Franz Anton von Sporck at Kuks Castle . Towards the end of his life he is said to have worked as an archive secretary in Dresden for a few years.

In poetry, Hancke is included in the so-called Second Silesian School . He remained an admirer and imitator of the poet Benjamin Neukirch throughout his life . His song "Auf, auf, zum Happy Hunting" is still popular today.

Works (selection)

  • Description of the cuckoo bath located on the Elbe in the Kingdom of Boehmen, made by Gottfried Benjamin Hancken . Schweidnitz, printed by Johann Christian Muellern, 1722
  • Spiritual and moral poems. Schweidnitz, printed by Johann Christian Muellern, 1723 and 1724
  • Witty chants and songs . Schweidnitz 1725
  • Secular poems, along with the famous poet, Mr. Benjamin Neukirch, satyrs never printed. Dresden 1727
  • Poetic Staar-Stecher, in which both the schlesiche poetry at all, and the Lord v.Lohenstein and Mr. Hoff Rath Neukirch verthaydiget against junckerische investigation bizarre but saved the honor of the hanckischen poems ... is . Breslau and Leipzig, 1730
  • Poems - In addition to the New Church satyrs , Dresden 1731


  • Georg Burkert: Gottfried Benjamin Hancke. A Silesian late Baroque poet. Frankensteiner Zeitungs- und Druck-Gesellschaft, Frankenstein 1933 (Breslau, Phil. Diss. Of December 20, 1933).
  • Gerhard Dünnhaupt : Gottfried Benjamin Hancke . In: Personalbibliographien zu den Druck des Barock , Vol. 3. Stuttgart: Hiersemann 1991, pp. 1946–51. ISBN 3-7772-9105-6 (list of works and literature)
  • Erika A. Metzger: Hancke, Hanke, Hanckius, Gottfried Benjamin. In: Walther Killy (Ed.): Literaturlexikon. Vol. 4. pp. 501-502.
  • Hermann Palm:  Hancke, Gottfried Benjamin . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 10, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1879, p. 513 f.

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