Dwarf boas

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Dwarf boas
Panama pygmy boa (Ungaliophis panamensis)

Panama pygmy boa
( Ungaliophis panamensis )

Order : Scale reptiles (Squamata)
without rank: Toxicofera
Subordination : Snakes (serpentes)
Superfamily : Boa-like (Booidea)
Family : Boas (Boidae)
Subfamily : Dwarf boas
Scientific name
McDowell , 1987

The dwarf boas (Ungaliophiinae) are a species-poor, only three species subfamily of snakes in the family of boas (Boidae), which occurs from the southern Mexican states of Oaxaca and Chiapas across Central America to northern Colombia .


Dwarf boas are medium-sized snakes and reach a maximum length of 75 to 85 cm. Diagnostic features of the subfamily are the lack of fangs in the front part of the lower jaw and the almost parallel position of the hyoid horns . As with other giant snakes, remains of the pelvic girdle are still present in the dwarf boas .

Way of life

Dwarf boas are nocturnal and live very hidden in dry and rain forests, the Oaxaca dwarf boa on the ground, especially in rocky regions, the two species of the genus Ungaliophis more on trees and bushes. Their diet consists mainly of lizards and frogs. Like the actual boa snakes , the dwarf boas are ovoviviparous , so they give birth to live young. The Oaxaca dwarf boa gets 8 to 13 young snakes in the months of September to October.

Genera and species


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