Circle dividing body

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Circular dividing bodies (also: cyclotomic bodies ) are objects of study in the mathematical sub-area of algebraic number theory . In some respects they are particularly simple generalizations of the field of rational numbers .

Definition: Let it be a natural number . Then the -th body of a circle is the extension of the body , which arises through the adjunction of the set of all -th roots of unity .


In particular, the body degree is with Euler's φ-function .
  • Two circle division bodies and with are exactly the same if is odd and applies.
  • The adjunction of the -th roots of unity to yields with
  • The extension is Galois . The Galois group is isomorphic to is a primitive -th root of unity, so one element corresponds to the through
defined automorphism of
  • The wholeness ring of is with any primitive -th root of unity
  • In particular, the whole ring of is equal to the ring of whole Gaussian numbers , the whole ring of is equal to the ring of Eisenstein numbers . These two number fields are the only algebraic extensions of the rational numbers, which are both circular and quadratic extension fields .
  • A prime number is exactly then branched into if a divisor of is. is fully decomposed if and only if applies.
  • If there is a prime power and a primitive -th root of unity, it is branched into undivided and pure. The only prime ideal above is the main ideal generated by:

Kronecker-Weber's Theorem

The Kronecker-Weber theorem (after L. Kronecker and H. Weber ) says that every algebraic number field with an Abelian Galois group is contained in a circle division field. The maximum Abelian expansion of arises from the adjunction of all roots of unity.
