Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini

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Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini (2009)

Carlo Luigi Scognamiglio Pasini ( Italian pron. ? / I ) (born November 27, 1944 in Varese ) is an Italian economist , university professor and politician . He was President of the Italian Senate from 1994 to 1996 and Minister of Defense from 1998 to 1999. Audio file / audio sample


After attending school, he began studying economics at the Luigi Bocconi University of Economics in Milan in 1963 , completing it summa cum laude in 1967 . After a subsequent activity as an assistant at this university, he completed postgraduate studies at the London School of Economics from 1970 to 1971 . He then worked as an associate professor for corporate finance and economics at the University of Padua and the Luigi Bocconi University of Economics from 1973 , before accepting a professorship for applied industrial economics at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) in Rome in 1980 . He later also served as an advisor to treasury and industry ministers. Between 1984 and 1992 he was also rector of LUISS.

In 1992, as a member of the Partito Liberale Italiano (PLI), he was elected a member of the Senate ( Senato della Repubblica ), of which he was a member until 2001. After the dissolution of the PLI, he joined the newly founded Forza Italia party in 1994 and was elected President of the Senate with a majority of only one vote as the successor to Giovanni Spadolini in April 1994 after the election victory of Silvio Berlusconi's center-right electoral alliance Polo per le Libertà . He held this office until he was replaced by Nicola Mancino in 1996.

Scognamiglio left Forza Italia in February 1998 and joined the center-party Unione Democratica per la Repubblica (UDR), founded by former President Francesco Cossiga . On October 21, 1998, he was appointed Minister of Defense by Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema and held this office until the end of D'Alema's first term on December 22, 1999. After the UDR broke up in February 1999, Scognamiglio belonged to the Rinnovamento Italiano faction , from November 1999 to the "mixed group" of non-attached senators.

After leaving the Senate, he resumed his work as Full Professor of Applied Industrial Economics at LUISS in 2001 . At the same time, however, he also remained politically active. So he founded in 2003 together with the Patto Segni by Mariotto Segni the party Patto - Partito dei Liberaldemocratici (also called "Patto Segni-Scognamiglio"), which he called to 2006 Presidente board. The party ran for the 2004 European elections , but received only 0.5% and therefore no seat.


During his teaching activity he was also the author of several economics books and political books:

  • Mercato dei Capitali e Borse Valori . Milan 1974.
  • Crisi e Risanamento dell'Industria Italiana . Milan 1979.
  • Rapporto sulle Partecipazioni Statali . Milan 1980.
  • Teoria e Politica della Finanza Industriale . Bologna 1987.
  • Rapporto al Ministro del Tesoro della commissione per il riassetto del patrimonio mobiliare pubblico e per le privatizzazioni . Rome 1990.
  • La Democrazia in Italia . Milan 1996.
  • La Guerra del Kosovo . Milan 2002.
  • Adam Smith XXI Secolo. Rome 2005
  • Economia Industriale. Economia dei Mercati Imperfetti . Rome 2006.
  • Adam Smith. Adam Smith visto da Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini . Rome 2007 (reprinted 2009).
  • Keynes e la Crisi del Nuovo Millennio , (preface by Carlo Azeglio Ciampi ). Rome 2009.

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