List of the members of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the SED

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The list of members of the secretariat of the Central Committee of the SED gives an overview of the secretaries and their areas of responsibility. Central Committee secretaries were authorized to issue instructions to the state ministers.

January 1949

elected at the 16th meeting of the party executive committee

July 1950

elected on the III. Party congress of the SED

July 1953

elected at the 15th plenum of the Central Committee

April 1954

elected at the fourth party congress

July 1958

elected at the Fifth Party Congress

January 1963

elected on the VI. Party congress

April 1967

elected at the 7th Party Congress

June 1971

elected at the 8th Party Congress

May 1976

elected on the IX. Party congress

April 1981

elected at the 10th party congress

April 1986

elected on the XI. Congress on April 21, 1986

Secretaries with responsibilities

November 1989

elected at the 10th plenary session of the Central Committee on November 8, 1989

See also