Saturn Award for the best director

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The following directors have won the Saturn Award for best director :

year Award winners Movie Further nominations
1976 Mel Brooks Frankenstein Junior No further nominations
1977 Dan Curtis Country house of dead souls No further nominations
1978 Steven Spielberg
George Lucas
Close encounter of the third kind
of Star Wars
Don Taylor for The Island of Dr. Moreau
Nicolas Gessner for The Girl at the End of the Street
Carl Reiner for Oh God ...
1979 Philip Kaufman The body eaters are coming Franklin J. Schaffner for The Boys from Brazil
Warren Beatty & Buck Henry for Heaven Shall Wait
Richard Donner for Superman
Robin Hardy for The Wicker Man
1980 Ridley Scott Alien - The creepy creature from a strange world John Badham for Dracula
Peter Weir for The Last Flood
Robert Wise for Star Trek: The Movie
Nicholas Meyer for Escape into the Future
1981 Irvin Kershner The Empire Strikes Back Ken Russell for Der Höllentrip
Brian De Palma for Dressed to Kill
Vernon Zimmerman for Fade to Black - The beautiful murders of Eric Binford
Stanley Kubrick for Shining
1982 Steven Spielberg Hunter of the lost treasure John Carpenter for The Rattlesnake
John Boorman for Excalibur
Terry Gilliam for Time Bandits
Michael Wadleigh for Wolfen
1983 Nicholas Meyer Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Ridley Scott for Blade Runner
Steven Spielberg for ET - The Extra Terrestrial
George Miller for Mad Max II - The Executor
Tobe Hooper for Poltergeist
1984 John Badham WarGames - war games Douglas Trumbull for Project Brainstorm
David Cronenberg for Dead Zone
Richard Marquand for Return of the Jedi
Woody Allen for Zelig
1985 Joe Dante Gremlins - little monsters Steven Spielberg for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Ron Howard for Splash
Leonard Nimoy for Star Trek III: In Search of Mr. Spock
James Cameron for Terminator
1986 Ron Howard Cocoon Robert Zemeckis for Back to the Future
Tom Holland for Die ravenenschwarze Nacht - Fright Night
George Miller for Mad Max - Beyond the Thunder Dome
Woody Allen for The Purple Rose of Cairo
Dan O'Bannon for Damn, the Zombies are Coming
1987 James Cameron Aliens - The Return Randal Kleiser for The Flight of the Navigator
David Cronenberg for The Fly
John Badham for Number 5 Lives!
Leonard Nimoy for Star Trek IV: Back to the Present
1988 Paul Verhoeven RoboCop William Dear for Bigfoot and the Hendersons
Jack Sholder for The Hidden - The unspeakably evil
Joe Dante for Die Reise ins Ich
Kathryn Bigelow for Near Dark - The night has its price
Stan Winston for The Halloween Monster
1990 Robert Zemeckis Wrong game with Roger Rabbit Tim Burton for Beetlejuice
Penny Marshall for Big
Charles Matthau for Help I'm an Alien - Crazy Times On Earth
Renny Harlin for Nightmare on Elm Street 4
Anthony Hickox for Journey Back In Time
1991 James Cameron Abyss - abyss of death Frank Marshall for Arachnophobia
Robert Zemeckis for Back to the Future III
Sam Raimi for Darkman
Jerry Zucker for Ghost - Message from Sam
Joe Dante for Gremlins 2 - The Return of the Little Monsters
Clive Barker for Cabal - The Brood of the Night
Alejandro Jodorowsky for Santa sangre
Paul Verhoeven for Total Recall
1992 James Cameron Terminator 2 - Day of Reckoning Eric Red for Body Parts
Terry Gilliam for King of Fishermen
Roger Corman for Roger Corman's Frankenstein
William Dear for Teen Agent - If Looks Could Kill
Jonathan Demme for The Silence of the Lambs
1993 Francis Ford Coppola Bram Stoker's Dracula David Fincher for Alien 3
Paul Verhoeven for Basic Instinct
Tim Burton for Batman's Return
Robert Zemeckis for Death suits her well
Randal Kleiser for darling, now we have a giant baby
William Friedkin for rampage - indictment of mass murder
1994 Steven Spielberg Jurassic Park George A. Romero for Stephen King's Stark
Harold Ramis for Groundhog Day
John Woo for Hard Aims
Ron Underwood for 4 Heavenly Friends
John McTiernan for Last Action Hero
Henry Selick for Nightmare Before Christmas
1995 James Cameron True Lies - True Lies William Dear for Angels - Angels really do exist!
Alex Proyas for The Crow
Robert Zemeckis for Forrest Gump
Neil Jordan for Interview with a Vampire
Jan de Bont for Speed
1996 Kathryn Bigelow Strange days Frank Marshall for Congo
Robert Rodriguez for From Dusk Till Dawn
Joe Johnston for Jumanji
David Fincher for Seven
Terry Gilliam for 12 Monkeys
Bryan Singer for The Usual Suspects
1997 Roland Emmerich Independence Day Joel Coen for Fargo
Peter Jackson for The Frighteners
Tim Burton for Mars Attacks!
Wes Craven for Scream - Scream!
Jonathan Frakes for Star Trek: First Contact
1998 John Woo In the body of the enemy Jean-Pierre Jeunet for Alien - The Rebirth of
Robert Zemecki for Contact
Steven Spielberg for Forgotten World: Jurassic Park
Barry Sonnenfeld for Men in Black
Paul Verhoeven for Starship Troopers
1999 Michael Bay Armageddon Bryan Singer for The Musterschüler
Alex Proyas for Dark City
Roland Emmerich for Godzilla
Peter Weir for The Truman Show
Rob S. Bowman for The X-Files - The Film
2000 Larry Wachowski, Andy Wachowski matrix Dean Parisot for Galaxy Quest
Frank Darabont for The Green Mile
Stephen Sommers for The Mummy
Tim Burton for Sleepy Hollow
George Lucas for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
2001 Bryan Singer X-Men Ridley Scott for Gladiator
Ron Howard for The Grinch
Clint Eastwood for Space Cowboys
Robert Zemeckis for Shadows of Truth
Ang Lee for Tiger and Dragon
2002 Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings: The Companions Steven Spielberg for AI - Artificial Intelligence
Chris Columbus for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
David Lynch for Mulholland Drive - Street of Darkness
Alejandro Amenábar for The Others
Christophe Gans for Pact of Wolves
2003 Steven Spielberg Minority Report Bill Paxton for Demonic
Chris Columbus for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Peter Jackson for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Sam Raimi for Spider-Man
George Lucas for Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
2004 Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Danny Boyle for 28 Days Later
Quentin Tarantino for Kill Bill
Edward Zwick for Last Samurai
Gore Verbinski for Pirates of the Caribbean
Bryan Singer for X-Men 2
2005 Sam Raimi Spider-Man 2 Michael Mann for Collateral
Michel Gondry for Forget Mine Not!
Alfonso Cuarón for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Quentin Tarantino for Kill Bill Vol. 2
Zhang Yimou for House of Flying Daggers
2006 Peter Jackson King Kong Christopher Nolan for Batman Begins
Andrew Adamson for The Chronicles of Narnia: The King of Narnia
Mike Newell for Harry Potter and
George Lucas the Goblet of Fire for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Steven Spielberg for War of the Worlds
2007 Bryan Singer Superman Returns Mel Gibson for Apocalypto
Alfonso Cuarón for Children of Men
Guillermo del Toro for Pan's Labyrinth
J. J. Abrams for Mission: Impossible III
Tom Tykwer for Perfume - The Story of a Murderer
2008 Zack Snyder 300 Paul Greengrass for The Bourne Ultimatum
David Yates for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Frank Darabont for The Fog
Sam Raimi for Spider-Man 3
Tim Burton for Sweeney Todd - The Devilish Barber of Fleet Street
2009 Jon Favreau Iron man Clint Eastwood for The Strange Son
David Fincher for The Strange Case of Benjamin Button
Christopher Nolan for The Dark Knight
Bryan Singer for Operation Walküre - The Stauffenberg Assassination
Andrew Stanton for WALL · E - The Last Cleans Up the Earth
2010 James Cameron Avatar - Departure for Pandora Neill Blomkamp for District 9
Quentin Tarantino for Inglourious Basterds
Guy Ritchie for Sherlock Holmes
J. J. Abrams for Star Trek
Kathryn Bigelow for Tödliches Kommando - The Hurt Locker
Zack Snyder for Watchmen - Die Wächter
2011 Christopher Nolan Inception David Yates for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1
Darren Aronofsky for Black Swan
Matt Reeves for Let Me In
Clint Eastwood for Hereafter
Martin Scorsese for Shutter Island
2012 JJ Abrams Super 8 Steven Spielberg for The Adventures of Tintin - The Secret of the Unicorn
Rupert Wyatt for Planet of the Apes: Prevolution
Brad Bird for Mission: Impossible - Phantom Protocol
Martin Scorsese for Hugo Cabret
David Yates for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2
2013 Joss Whedon Marvel's The Avengers William Friedkin for Killer Joe
Peter Jackson for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Rian Johnson for Looper
Ang Lee for Life of Pi: Shipwreck with Tiger
Christopher Nolan for The Dark Knight Rises
2014 Alfonso Cuarón Gravity JJ Abrams for Star Trek Into Darkness
Peter Berg for Lone Survivor
Peter Jackson for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Francis Lawrence for The Hunger Games - Catching Fire
Guillermo del Toro for Pacific Rim
2015 James Gunn Guardians of the Galaxy Alejandro González Iñárritu for Birdman or (The Unexpected Power of Cluelessness)
Doug Liman for Edge of Tomorrow
Christopher Nolan for Interstellar
Matt Reeves for Planet of the Apes: Revolution
Anthony & Joe Russo for The Return of the First Avenger
Bryan Singer for X-Men: Future it's in the past
2016 Ridley Scott The Martian - Save Mark Watney JJ Abrams for Star Wars: The Force
Awakens Guillermo del Toro for Crimson Peak
Alex Garland for Ex Machina
George Miller for Mad Max: Fury Road
Peyton Reed for Ant-Man
Colin Trevorrow for Jurassic World
2017 Gareth Edwards Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Scott Derrickson for Doctor Strange
Jon Favreau for The Jungle Book
Anthony Russo & Joe Russo for The First Avenger: Civil War
Bryan Singer for X-Men: Apocalypse
Steven Spielberg for BFG - Big Friendly Giant
Denis Villeneuve for Arrival
2018 Ryan Coogler Black panther Guillermo del Toro for Shape of Water
Patty Jenkins for Wonder Woman
Rian Johnson for Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Jordan Peele for Get Out
Matt Reeves for Planet of the Apes: Survival
Denis Villeneuve for Blade Runner 2049
2019 Jordan Peele We Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck for Captain Marvel
Karyn Kusama for Destroyer
Guy Ritchie for Aladdin
Anthony Russo & Joe Russo for Avengers: Endgame
Steven Spielberg for Ready Player One
James Wan for Aquaman
Zhang Yimou for Shadow

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