X-Men: Apocalypse

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German title X-Men: Apocalypse
Original title X-Men: Apocalypse
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2016
length 144 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
JMK 12
Director Bryan Singer
script Simon Kinberg (Screenplay and Story),
Bryan Singer (Story)
Dan Harris (Story)
Michael Dougherty (Story)
production Simon Kinberg
Bryan Singer
Lauren Shuler Donner
Hutch Parker
music John Ottman
camera Newton Thomas Sigel
cut John Ottman

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Successor  →
Logan - The Wolverine

X-Men: Apocalypse is an American science fiction - action film , of the X-Men comics of Marvel - publisher based. It is the ninth part of the X-Men film series and, as a sequel to X-Men: Future is Past (2014), forms the third part of the second X-Men trilogy. As in the previous film, Bryan Singer took over the direction again .

The film deals with the genesis of the superhero troupe X-Men and the origins of the mutants and at the same time marks a new beginning for the X-Men series. It adopts elements from the first X-Men trilogy, such as the Phoenix saga, and represents the conclusion of the second trilogy that began with X-Men: First Decision (2011). The film premiered on May 9, 2016 in London, and X-Men: Apocalypse was shown in German-speaking cinemas on May 19 in 2D and 3D as well as in IMAX format.

With a length of 144 minutes, X-Men: Apocalypse is the longest X-Men film and the second longest Marvel adaptation. For the first time in the X-Men series, all X-Men characters can be seen in individual uniforms based on the traditional colored uniforms known from comics.


In 3600 BC The mutant En Sabah Nur (also known as Apocalypse ) rules over ancient Egypt. People worship him as a god because of his superhuman abilities. In a ritual of passage in a pyramid built in his honor, he wants to transfer his consciousness to another mutant and thus take over his increased regenerative capacity in order to be able to live forever. However, there are some people who want to overthrow him as a false god. During the ritual they manage to bring down the pyramid. Before Apocalypse is buried under tons of rubble, his four guardians can surround him with a protective shield so that the transmission is completed and he survives the collapse in deep sleep.

In 1983, ten years after the events of X-Men: Future is Past or twenty years after X-Men: First decision : In a nightclub in East Berlin, Raven, also known as Mystique , watches a forced exhibition fight between mutants, where Angel has to compete against other mutants. Next, the teleporter Kurt Wagner ( Nightcrawler ) is supposed to fight him, but Raven frees them both and escapes with Nightcrawler.

Meanwhile, CIA agent Moira MacTaggert is investigating the goings-on of a sect in Cairo that has carried out secret excavations under the city. The sunlight falling into the burial chamber brings Apocalypse back to life, triggering an earthquake that is registered worldwide.

Erik Lehnsherr ( Magneto ) went into hiding in Poland some time ago, now has a wife and a daughter and leads an inconspicuous life as a worker in a metal factory. The global earthquake causes an accident in the factory in which a worker is almost killed, but Erik saves his life with his strength. Fearing that someone might have recognized him, he wants to flee with his family, but he and his wife Magda discover that their daughter Nina is being held in the forest by some police officers. They recognized him as a magneto and are therefore armed with non-metallic weapons such as bows and arrows. Erik agrees to be led away, but out of fear, Nina sets a flock of birds on the police with her uncontrolled mutant powers. In the ensuing tumult, an arrow shot is released, killing Magda and Nina. Beside himself with anger and pain, Erik kills the police officers present with his daughter's metal tag.

In the meantime, young Scott Summers is discovering his own mutant powers when he gets severe eye pain at school and devastates the school toilet with his heat rays. His older brother Alex (Havok) takes him to Professor Charles Xavier's boarding school for the gifted , where he is supposed to learn to control his powers. There he meets the young Jean Gray , who, like him, is an outsider because she cannot control her powers either. She suffers from violent nightmares about the end of the world. Through Cerebro , Charles finds Moira in Cairo at the origin of the recent earthquake. He goes to see her at the CIA headquarters . After the Cuban incident , Charles Moiras erased memory of the events from that time so that she no longer recognizes him. Through Moira they learn about the legend of En Sabah Nur, possibly the first and at the same time most powerful mutant who ever lived.

After he wakes up, Apocalypse tries to find his way in a strange world. After rescuing a thief ( Storm ) from street vendors, he finds shelter in her apartment. Via television, Apocalypse learns modern language and the history of mankind over the past five thousand years in just a few seconds. He disapproves of the way of life of mankind, especially that the mutants let themselves be ruled by weak people and robbed of their freedom by their laws and systems. To demonstrate his power, he increases Storm's mutant powers considerably, making her the first of his four new Guardians.

Raven procures false papers from the mutant and black market trader Caliban for Nightcrawler to emigrate to the USA. Because of her television appearance ten years ago, Raven is admired as a heroine by many mutants. Through Caliban, Raven learns of the events surrounding Erik in Poland, which prompts her to leave for Xavier's boarding school. In the meantime, Scott manages to keep his destructive power under control with special glasses made of ruby ​​quartz developed by Hank McCoy ( Beast ).

Apocalypse wants to know where there are other strong mutants in order to win them over to his side or wipe them out. To this end, he asks Caliban, who reveals the information under threat of violence. Apocalypse recruits as additional followers Caliban's bodyguard Psylocke , whose ability consists in shaping swords and other weapons from psychokinetic energy, and Angel, whom he equips with new wings made of metal.

Erik wants to kill all the factory workers who betrayed him, but Apocalypse appears first, kills the workers in his place and takes Erik with him to Auschwitz , where he lost his parents as a boy and discovered his mutant powers. Apocalypse amplifies Magneto's ability so that he can control all metal around the world. Thus Magneto becomes the fourth apocalyptic guardian.

When Charles finds Erik's whereabouts with Cerebro and establishes a telepathic connection with him, Apocalypse can use this connection for itself and has all nuclear weapons in the world transported into space in order to disarm humanity. Before Apocalypse can take possession of him, Charles orders Alex to destroy Cerebro. Then Apocalypse and his entourage show up at the X-Men headquarters and kidnap Charles. Alex tries to stop them, but inadvertently destroys the entire underground complex and the school above. Peter Maximoff ( Quicksilver ) has meanwhile arrived on the premises to find his father Magneto. With his super speed, he manages to get everyone present out of the building in time, with the exception of Alex, who dies in the explosion.

Shortly after the destruction, William Stryker's forces emerge and capture Hank, Raven, Peter and Moira. Scott, Jean and Nightcrawler can follow them unnoticed on board the helicopter. Arrived at Stryker's secret military facility on Alkali Lake, they free the others with the help of Wolverine , who is held there, who causes a bloodbath among the soldiers while Stryker escapes. Before Wolverine storms free, Jean can partially restore his erased memories.

Apocalypse uses the kidnapped Charles to send his impending takeover as a telepathic message to the entire world. Charles can use a hidden message to convey her whereabouts in Cairo to Jean. Apocalypse wants to transfer his consciousness into Charles and thus take over his ability to control the thoughts of all humans and mutants in order to become all-powerful. For the ritual he transforms the city into a gigantic pyramid and posts his followers around them, as he is vulnerable during the ritual. Magneto has now started to manipulate all metal and the earth's magnetic field itself, leading to massive global destruction. The X-Men make their way to Cairo to stop the Apocalypse.

They distract the four guards so that Nightcrawler can enter the pyramid and free Charles before the ritual is complete. Charles has already lost his head hair as a result of the transformation that started. Angel is killed in a fight in a jet. Hank and Scott fight Storm and Psylocke in destroyed Cairo. Mystique and Quicksilver penetrate Magneto, appeal to his conscience and make it clear to him that he still has the X-Men as a family.

Apocalypse himself enters the battlefield beside himself with anger. Quicksilver can land a few punches with his fast pace, but Apocalypse manages to overwhelm him. He orders Psylocke to kill Quicksilver. She turns out to be a mystique and cuts Apocalypse's throat. The wound heals immediately, however, and Apocalypse threatens to kill Mystique if Charles does not give up his resistance. He then has a mental battle with Apocalypse, but is overwhelmed. The rest of the X-Men, including the converted Magneto, join forces to attack Apocalypse, but Apocalypse easily fends them off. Charles mentally asks Jean to let her powers run free. Jean unleashes her full power as Phoenix and together with Cyclops and Magneto they dissolve Apocalypse bit by bit, faster than his regenerative powers can restore him. He tries to escape by teleport at the last second, but Storm interrupts, who now joins the X-Men in the fight, this attempt with her powers and Apocalypse is completely destroyed.

After the fight, Psylocke disappears wordlessly into the rubble. Later, in the rebuilt boarding school, all the remaining X-Men are gathered and get ready for a training session. Charles restores Moira's memory, and he and Erik respectfully bid each other farewell in the same words that were used at the end of the first X-Men film .

In a post-credit scene , an Essex Corp team enters the abandoned military facility and stows a test tube with a blood sample from Gun X in a briefcase along with other blood samples.


Staff and background

Clashing dates seemed to thwart Singer's plans to direct the film at first. After 20th Century Fox Production Manager Emma Watts publicly spoke out in favor of Singer as the director of choice in June 2014, 20th Century Fox received an official confirmation in September 2014 that a contractual agreement had been made between Singer and the studio and that Singer would definitely make the film as a director. Rumors about a possible lawsuit against Singer, which had deterred 20th Century Fox from further collaboration, denied Watts: "It was always our intention for him to make the film," said Watts, adding that the success of X-Men: The future is past thanks mainly to Singer. For Singer, X-Men: Apocalypse is the fourth directorial work on an X-Men film. So he is the only director to date who was able to direct four films in just one superhero franchise. This surpasses Sam Raimi and Christopher Nolan , who each directed three superhero films in the Spider-Man and Batman film series.

The production staff was taken over unchanged from the previous film with Kinberg, Hutch Parker, Singer and Lauren Shuler Donner , who has been with X-Men (2000) and has produced every single X-Men film to date. In addition to Kinberg and Singer, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris , who in the past were particularly known for their collaboration with Singer, are also working on the script . In February 2015 Singer, announced that the New Zealand Production Designer Grant Major , which especially for his work on The-Lord of the Rings trilogy is known for the Design is responsible of the film. For the visual effects is VFX Supervisor and pioneer John Dykstra responsible, who already in X-Men: First acted in this capacity.

Originally, 20th Century Fox had planned an X-Men spin-off for 2016 via the X-Force, a secret X-Men response force that is pursuing a more aggressive path than the X-Men. Jeff Wadlow could be engaged as a director and a first version of the script was ready. The X-Force team should consist of the characters Cable , Domino , Warpath, Cannonball and Feral. But 20th Century Fox decided during the production of X-Men: The Future Is Past to cancel the long-planned adaptation of X-Force in favor of X-Men: Apocalypse . In September 2014, Simon Kinberg announced that X-Men: Apocalypse would play in 1983 and complete the second trilogy. X-Men: Apocalypse is supposed to initiate a new beginning for the X-Men at the same time. Bryan Singer, who is directing his fourth X-Men film, said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly: “This is a kind of ending for six X-Men films, but at the same time the birth of new, younger characters. It's the real beginning of the X-Men. This is where everything starts. ”The events take place just like X-Men: Future is Past in a changed timeline and are therefore not based on the films of the first trilogy (X-Men 1 to 3) or the Wolverine series, some of which are also Due to the changed timeline, characters are born earlier than in the first X-Men trilogy. For example Angel, played by Ben Hardy, who was born around 20 years earlier and is therefore of adulthood in the early 1980s.

According to Singer, the end of X-Men: The future is past doesn't have to be what X-Men: Apocalypse are working towards. The outcome of X-Men: Apocalypse is not set in stone: “It doesn't necessarily lead to where we found Patrick Stewart at the beginning of X-Men. There are some things that generally lead to this. That was part of the philosophy behind the end of future is past, that one is unable to change the direction or flow of a river. But you can steer it a little, and that's exactly what we did. So some things will surprise you, people who survived in X-Men 1, 2 and 3 or people who died in 1, 2 or 3 could die, ”said Singer.

Kinberg commented on the changed timeline as follows:

“The idea is that we've sort of reset the timeline after 'Days of Future Past' in some ways, and if not erased, certainly allowed for change from 'X1,' '2,' '3,' everything from 'Days of Future Past 'forward, 1973, everything we set now becomes canon. "

“It was our plan to restart the timeline with 'future is past' or to erase it completely to allow deviations from X-Men 1, 2, 3. Everything that is determined after 'the future is past' from 1973 onwards now belongs to the new canon. "

- Simon Kinberg : In an interview with MTV


Bryan Singer by Gage Skidmore.jpg
Director Bryan Singer is directing his fourth X-Men film
Simon Kinberg by Gage Skidmore.jpg
Simon Kinberg has been a regular producer and screenwriter for the X-Men films since 2005

In early December 2013, Bryan Singer announced X-Men: Apocalypse for May 27, 2016 via Twitter . In the same month it was announced that the screenwriters Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris, who already wrote the screenplay for X-Men 2 , have been hired and are working on a script with Simon Kinberg. On January 7, 2014, Singer announced in an interview with Entertainment Weekly that X-Men: Apocalypse was researching the backstory of the mutants. He should shed light on the historical mutantism, the deep past and the origins of the mutants. Singer has always been fascinated by this when he thinks about gods, stories, miracles and powers. On January 30, 2014, Singer confirmed that X-Men: Apocalypse will not feature any actors from the first trilogy. In March 2014, Singer announced that he was considering the mutants Gambit and Nightcrawler in X-Men: Apocalypse . Nightcrawler was originally supposed to appear in the previous film. Singer said that he had already written a scene with Nightcrawler for X-Men: Future is Past , but that he had discarded it because he had the feeling that too many mutants were being forced into the story.

In an interview in May 2014, Kinberg stated that X-Men: Apocalypse should resemble a disaster film , which in the extent of its devastation can be compared to a film by Roland Emmerich . According to Kinberg, the character Apocalypse played by Oscar Isaac should receive understandable motivation. Apocalypse should not just be someone who wants to destroy because he can, but should have the philosophy of his actions “something understandable”, “almost compassionate”. He should also become a “charismatic leader” and a gifted demagogue who converts the population to his cause.

Also in September, Kinberg said in an interview with MTV that the cosmic aspect of the X-Men franchise is to be expanded in the future and that X-Men: Apocalypse will initiate this path: “As soon as we decided on Apocalypse as our opponent, we wanted that Do justice to comics in which he doesn't wear a costume, but is also not just the guy with the helmet. It's more cosmic. ”Kinberg went on to explain that the film adaptations Deadpool and Gambit are set in the same X-Men film universe that is marked by the events of X-Men: Future is Past . But that doesn't necessarily mean that all the characters interact with each other. Not every movie has every character, but they should all exist by the same rules. There should be an interaction between the different characters in the different films.

On February 16, 2015, Singer published a concept illustration on the Internet showing a kind of spaceship and a blurred silhouette looking into the open entrance of the ship. Fans have developed many theories about the concept drawing. Adam Holmes from Cinemablend writes, for example, that the mysterious character is the young mutant En Sabah Nur and the spaceship is the being Ship, which En Sabah Nur in ancient Egypt transforms into the villain Apocalypse using extraterrestrial technology.

At San Diego Comic-Con International 2015, Singer said that after what happened in X-Men: Future is Past and the US President's rescue through Mystique, mutants in X-Men: Apocalypse are widely accepted in human society. In addition, X-Men: Apocalypse will deal with a new concept: While the conflict between humans and mutants is the focus in previous X-Men films, Apocalypse makes no distinction between humans and mutants, but only between the weak and the strong. Also at Comic-Con, James McAvoy said that Charles Xavier runs a school for mutants and teaches his students how to control their powers in order to integrate into society so that they can "work in a bank" for example. Raven made it his business to come to the aid of suppressed mutants. According to Michael Fassbender, the character he plays Magneto in X-Men: Apocalypse has started a family and left his past behind and lives in Poland, isolated in the forest.

In October 2015, Singer announced that X-Men: Apocalypse would have a longer running time than previous X-Men films. Singer justified it with the fact that X-Men: Apocalypse will complete six films and will therefore be a little longer. In a November 2015 interview, Evan Peters revealed that one of the movie's storylines would deal with the father-son relationship between Magneto and Quicksilver. On December 29, 2015, Entertainment Weekly released a concept illustration showing Magneto using his telekinetic skills to destroy a building complex. Singer explained that one of Apocalypse's many strengths is empowering other mutants with greater power. Apocalypse gives Magneto abilities that go far beyond what has been seen so far. The concept drawing only shows a “small foretaste” of what Magneto is now capable of.

In a Q&A video (English: Questions and Answers), Kinberg stated on January 16, 2016 that X-Men: Apocalypse is the most spectacular X-Men film they have ever made and raised the high Emotionality stands out: “We have never done anything like this before, where the entire existence of the entire world is at stake and I think it's also the most emotional film. Because the whole situation is so tense, the dynamic between the main characters is tense and more intense than ever before. ”Kinberg went on to explain the specialty of Apocalypse, which is the most powerful adversary in the X-Men franchise:“ Usually we have Magneto with his magnetism or Shaw and the way he can absorb energy. Apocalypse is a character that is far more powerful than any other character we've ever seen in this franchise. "

On January 21, 2016, Alexandra Shipp confirmed that she speaks Arabic in the film and can be heard with a Kenyan accent. Shipp went on to explain that Apocalypse spoke an ancient language and felt the power of Storm and was drawn to it. Since Apocalypse awakens from a thousand years of deep sleep, he is initially weak and all alone. He looks for protection and finds it in Storm. Storm should use fog and lightning to repel planes and missiles, for example.


Louise Mingenbach, who has worked as a costume designer in numerous X-Men film adaptations in the past, is responsible for the costumes . For the costume of the mutant Psylocke, a latex costume was chosen that is based on the comic book. Olivia Munn said in an interview with Conan O'Brien that her costume was "very sexual". In an interview with MTV in May 2015, Lucas Till revealed that this time, unlike his role in X-Men: First Decision , he would wear a suit without shoulder pads and that this was a personal wish of his.

In contrast to the previous films, in which the X-Men team wore identical combat suits, the decision was made for X-Men: Apocalypse , for the first time ever to design an individual uniform for each individual character based on the comic template. Nightcrawler wears a black and red costume, which is inspired by the drawings by comic artist Dave Cockrum and has always served as the basis for every Nightcrawler costume in the X-Men comics. Also based on Cockrum's drawings is the white and black costume by Mystique, which adopts the basis of the character's original comic costume. The uniforms of Cyclops and Jean Gray are based on the character uniforms designed in the 1990s by the popular comic artist Jim Lee . a. also in the animated series X-Men: The Animated Series . Cyclops' uniform has a tactical look and also has iconic shoulder straps. Quicksilver's costume was partly inspired by the X-Factor series, so the chest is marked with a striking X. Beast's uniform is inspired by a more modern look that keeps the figure's furry arms and legs visible. Storm's costume, on the other hand, is a mixture of 1980s designs and Jim Lee's drawings from the 90s.

For the character design of Apocalypse, for which Oscar Isaac spent at least two hours in the mask every day of shooting, Jose Fernandez was initially commissioned, who with his company Ironhead Studios, among other things, the costumes for the first X-Men film and for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice . Fernandez was mainly based on the work of Louise Simonson and Jackson Guice from the 1986 introduced comic series X-Factor, which also represented the first comic appearances of the character. Apocalypse should have a size of almost two meters and a weight of around 100 kilograms. But Singer rejected the draft and stated that while it would not have been a problem to make Apocalypse "a muscle-bound guy who cannot act", Apocalypse's greatest strength was the power of conviction and therefore it was of immense importance that Apocalypse is played by an actor who "really can act" like Isaac who is a "fantastic actor".

For the final character design, Singer used a mixture of well-known features of the comic book, such as a distorted pattern on the lips and above the cheek and the bluish-greyish lighting of the skin color as well as human components in the form of antique armor, which, according to Singer, is “something very futuristic “In itself. Since the appearance of Apocalypse changed frequently in the comics, different aspects were taken from various comics. To emphasize this, the first trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse only shows fragments of Apocalypse in some shots. This forces the viewer to perceive other aspects such as the armor, the size, the strangeness as well as the inscription and the technology.

“We had to do some adjustments here and there and be like, alright, maybe this is too alien. He also is someone who people would want to follow and not just be terrified of. So the balance, and then making sure that there's some great elements from the comic but also making our own thing as well. "

“We had to make some adjustments so that it doesn't look too alien. It also has to represent someone that people want to join and are not directly scared of. It was a balancing act to combine the best elements from the comics with our vision. "

- Oscar Isaac : on the appearance of Apocalypse


In June 2014 Bryan Singer published an excerpt from the first page of the treatment on the Internet. It shows that the opening scenes of the film consist of a flashback and are set in Ancient Egypt . In addition, the four apocalyptic horsemen are used in a battle on the Nile . According to Kinberg, elements from the Age of Apocalypse comic book storyline were in part chosen for the film's storyline because it is believed that it could influence many of the X-Men characters in great and dramatic ways. Singer said the concept of Age of Apocalypse was the greatest inspiration behind the development of the script. The script is a combination of many different story arcs from the comics as well as some story arcs from the animated series X-Men: The Animated Series , which appeared in the 1990s . Aspects such as family and religious affiliation, such as "consanguinity, your friends, your tribe or your team" are particularly emphasized in the film. These aspects are a big and important part of the film. Singer was inspired to do this when he was expecting a child with his long-time girlfriend Michelle Clunie in October 2014.

Kinberg revealed in May 2016 that in the original version of the script, Charles Xavier, who is kidnapped by Apocalypse in the middle of the film, was to become the fourth horseman of the apocalyptic. But at a later point in time the decision was made differently, since Xavier had "nothing important to do" in the third act of the film. Instead, the character Psylocke was introduced as one of the four horsemen of the apocalyptic. The first draft of the screenplay, written by Kinberg, in which Apocalypse was supposed to be portrayed as an extraterrestrial being that sought out earth and merged with Magneto, was widely criticized. In the comics, however, Apocalypse appears as an ancient mutant. Shortly after Singer had signed for the post of director, he discarded Kinberg's draft and opted for a comic-style implementation of the character.

The basic idea for the film arose from the thought of ancient mutants.

“What would people thousands of years ago, without the benefit of science, think mutants were? And more importantly, what would mutants thousands of years ago think they were? Gods? Titans? Angels? Demons? And if such mutants did exist thousands of years ago, what became of them? Did one survive? "

“Without the advantages of science, what would humans have thought thousands of years ago what mutants would be? And more importantly, what would mutants even thousands of years ago have thought they are? Gods? Titans? Angel? Demons? And if such mutants had existed thousands of years ago, what became of them? Did one survive? "

- Bryan Singer : In an interview with Empire about X-Men: Apocalypse

Although the plans for X-Men: Apocalypse were not finalized until three months after filming of X-Men: Future Is Past began , the events of X-Men: Future Is Past should have a decisive impact on X-Men: Apocalypse , according to Singer .


As in X-Men 2 and X-Men: Future is Past , John Ottman composed the score for X-Men: Apocalypse again . Ottman said in an interview with Film Music Magazin on May 18, 2016, that the soundtrack would intentionally sound less modern and less synthesized than the previous film, and that it would deliberately resemble the X-Men 2 soundtrack . A sequence in the film with Ludwig van Beethoven's 7th symphony was accompanied by a classical symphony, while in X-Men 2 with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's sacred work Requiem , classical music can also be heard.

Ottman revealed that he originally wanted to use the theme of Jean Gray from X-Men 2 for X-Men: Apocalypse , but had discarded this because the piece of music had sounded too "old-fashioned". Singer announced the completion of the score on April 13, 2016. The complete soundtrack of the film has been available for pre -order from the online mail order company Amazon since March 24, 2016 and was released as a download from Sony Classical on May 20, 2016. The soundtrack comprises 25 pieces of music and has a total length of 1:16:56 min.

Title list of the soundtrack

  1. Apocalypse - 3:43
  2. The Transference - 3:50
  3. Pyramid Collapse / Main Titles - 2:25
  4. Eric's New Life - 1:27
  5. Just a Dream - 1:16
  6. Moira's Discovery / Apocalypse Awakes - 4:35
  7. Shattered Life - 2:54
  8. Going Gray / Who the F are You? - 1:49
  9. Eric's Rebirth - 2:48
  10. Contacting Eric / The Answer! - 5:01
  11. Beethoven Havok - 2:53
  12. You Can See - 1:31
  13. New Pyramid - 2:13
  14. Recruiting Psylocke - 2:04
  15. Split them up! - 4:15
  16. A Piece of his Past - 1:42
  17. The Magneto Effect - 4:26
  18. Jet Memories - 1:46
  19. The Message / Some Kind of Weapon - 4:01
  20. Great Hero / You Betray Me - 5:13
  21. Like a Fire - 4:24
  22. What Beach? - 1:51
  23. Rebuilding / Cuffed / Goodbye Old Friend - 3:35
  24. You're X-Men / End Titles - 4:09
  25. Rest Young Child (Vocal Version) - 2:18

Trailer songs

  1. Snow Ghosts - The Hunted - 3:26 (Trailer 1)
  2. Ghostwriter - In For the Kill - 1:08 (Trailer 1)
  3. Clairity - Don't Panic - 4:33 (Trailer 2)
  4. Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot - 5:02 (Trailer 3)

Additional songs

The following songs are not found on the official soundtrack album, but are used in the film.

  1. Malaria! - Cold clear water - 3:42
  2. Metallica - The Four Horsemen - 7:13
  3. Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance - 4:30
  4. Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - 4:51

German voice actors

The German synchronization was based on a dialogue book and the dialogue direction by Tobias Meister on behalf of Interopa Film GmbH in Berlin.

actor role German voice
James McAvoy Charles Xavier Johannes Raspe
Michael Fassbender Erik feudal lord Norman Matt
Jennifer Lawrence Mystique Maria Koschny
Nicholas Hoult Hank McCoy Ozan Unal
Oscar Isaac Apocalypse Stefan Günther
Rose Byrne Moira MacTaggert Ranja Bonalana
Evan Peters Quicksilver Julius Jellinek
Josh Helman William Stryker Leonhard Mahlich
Sophie Turner Jean Gray Anne Düe
Tye Sheridan Scott Summers Sebastian Fitzner
Lucas Till Alex Summers Martin Kautz
Kodi Smit-McPhee Nightcrawler Christian Pointer
Ben Hardy fishing rod Amadeus Strobl
Alexandra Shipp Storm Magdalena Turba
Lana Condor Jubilee Maria Hönig
Olivia Munn Psylocke Ursula Hugo
Tomas Lemarquis Caliban Marius Clarén
Carolina Bartczak Magda Juliana Cukier
TJ McGibbon Nina Hanna Schmidt-Foss


The casting started in October 2014 and ended in April 2015. James McAvoy as Professor Charles Xavier, Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr, Jennifer Lawrence as Raven and Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy returned in their roles from the previous films. For his role as Charles Xavier, McAvoy shaved his head, drawing closer to the familiar look of the character portrayed in an older incarnation of Patrick Stewart in the first X-Men trilogy and X-Men: The Future Is Past on. Although in the X-Men comics the hair loss is due to its progressive mutation, McAvoy stated on the Graham Norton Show that this aspect is not carried over in the film: “We couldn't make a superhero lose his hair just like that, so he does by doing something so terribly painful that literally snatches half of his hair out and the rest falls out. ”In May 2014, Simon Kinberg announced that Evan Peters would be back as Quicksilver. In November 2014, Bryan Singer announced that Oscar Isaac would get the role of the eponymous original mutant Apocalypse. Rumors that Tom Hardy and Dennis Haysbert were shortlisted for the same role were denied by Singer. Isaac is the kind of actor he wanted to cast for the role from the start.

In January 2015, Singer announced the cast of the young versions of Cyclops, Storm and Jean Gray. So will Tye Sheridan Cyclops play Alexandra Shipp Storm, and the role of the latter will from Game of Thrones known Sophie Turner take over. Cyclops is not yet a leader in X-Men: Apocalypse , Storm is “on the wrong path in life”, while Jean is not yet fully grown. In an interview with IGN , Turner said her portrayal of Sansa Stark in season four of Game of Thrones was one of the main reasons she got the role: "I think one of the reasons they picked me , is that you saw the dark side of Sansa. Maybe they were like, 'Oh, Phoenix, Jean Gray.' I definitely see a lot of parallels between them. Jean struggles with her powers and with not being accepted in the human world. ”With regard to Famke Janssen , who played Jean Gray in the first X-Men trilogy, Turner said that he only wanted to imitate the role to a limited extent and instead, plan to give the younger incarnation of Jean Gray its own approach: “I want to imitate Famke in a way, as the role should be like Jean in the first two films, but I will also instill my own style in her. I think I'll be inspired by the comics too. ” Elle Fanning and Saoirse Ronan were also previously considered for the role of Jean Gray . In preparation for the role, Turner learned archery. Sheridan described the character Cyclops he played as "angry and a little lost". In June 2015, it was revealed that Shipp was wearing a mohawk for her role as Storm .

Kinberg also confirmed in January 2014 that Rose Byrne would be seen again as Moira MacTaggert, as in X-Men: First Decision . In February it was announced that Kodi Smit-McPhee had been hired to play the blue-skinned teleporter Nightcrawler. In March 2014, the publicly unknown actress Lana Condor was selected for the role of the mutant Jubilee. To date, Condor is the only actress who was successfully cast by Singer for a role in one of his X-Men films based on a casting video, a so-called audition tape. In April 2014, Singer revealed that the Englishman Ben Hardy would play the mutant Angel . Singer described Hardy's role as "not a particularly nice angel", alluding to Archangel, a dark version of the character who is equipped with wings made of biological metal and is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. It was also announced that Olivia Munn will play the role of Psylocke, a mutant with telepathic and telekinetic abilities, and that Lucas Till will return to the role of the mutant Havok. Singer confirmed that, as in the X-Men comics, Havok and Cyclops are brothers in the film. In May, Singer announced that the mutant Caliban would appear in the film and would be played by Tómas Lemarquis . Caliban is a Morlock whose greatest strength is tracking down mutants. In the official character description for the film, Caliban was described as a "mutant dealer" who works with Psylocke. In July 2015 it was confirmed that Josh Helman would again be seen in the role of military officer William Stryker.

After months of speculation, Hugh Jackman was confirmed in the role of Wolverine on April 25, 2016 ; retakes were required for his few scenes. X-Men creator Stan Lee can be seen in a cameo . He had his last cameo in an X-Men movie before in X-Men: The Last Stand, from 2006. Speaking to Larry King , Lee said that his cameo in X-Men: Apocalypse will be "different" than his usual, because he shot it with a person who was not named and who meant a lot to him. He meant his wife, Joan Lee (1922-2017) in her only appearance in a Marvel film. Patrick Stewart confirmed in January 2015 that he will not return to the role of Professor X this time. He only found out about the sequel to X-Men: The future is past after the film was officially announced. He'll appear in the third Wolverine film, though. Although director Singer likes to keep many secrets about his films, it was announced in June 2015 that Channing Tatum was not used as a gambit in the film, and later that Ian McKellen would not play Magneto this time. In November 2015, it was announced that actor Anthony Konechny could be seen in X-Men: Apocalypse . Konechny confirmed on his website that he joined the cast in April 2015. On April 23, 2016, Singer revealed an appearance by the mutant The Blob. The character is embodied by the French-Canadian wrestler "Giant", Gustav Claude Ouimet, who weighs 540 pounds.

Carolina Bartczak as Magneto's wife Magda and TJ McGibbon as Magneto's daughter Nina can also be seen in other roles. Warren Scherer, Rochelle Okoye, Monique Ganderton and Fraser Aitcheson portray the original four horsemen of the apocalyptic in the flashbacks set in ancient Egypt. Another actor is Manuel Sinor as the announcer in the Berlin Fight Club. Željko Ivanek and Ally Sheedy had guest appearances in the film. Ivanek plays a scientist at the Pentagon, while Sheedy played Scott Summers' teacher in the film's opening scenes. From archive footage, scenes from X-Men: First Choice by Caleb Landry Jones as the banshee and Bill Milner as the young Magneto have been used. In addition, archive clips of actors Michael Forest and Leslie Parrish from the 1967 Star Trek episode “ Who Mourns for Adonais? “Used.

The cast of X-Men: Apocalypse at San Diego Comic-Con International on July 11, 2015. Left to right: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Olivia Munn, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit -McPhee, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp, Lana Condor, Lucas Till and Ben Hardy

Template: Panorama / Maintenance / Para4


Construction work on the film set began in November 2014. Filming began on April 27, 2015 in Montreal , Canada . The first scenes were taken in the Plaza Côte-des-Neiges shopping center, where the film was shot for two days with Tye Sheridan, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Sophie Turner and Lana Condor. As with X-Men: The Future is Past , most of the filming took place in Mel's Studios, Canada, a 27-acre film studio . In the first few months, around 800 full-time employees were employed in the studio facility. During the course of the shooting, the number rose to 1200. 30 days of shooting were shot on location. a. the Hôtel de Ville City Hall , McGill University and the campus of John Abbott College , with scenes filmed in parallel by two different film teams. In contrast to the previous film, which was mostly filmed with 2D cameras and therefore had to be converted to 3D afterwards, various 3D rigs were used on the set of X-Men: Apocalypse for the 3D recordings . As in the film X-Men: First Decision, the Englefield House in Berkshire, England, was used for the exterior shots of the X-Mansion (X-Villa), Charles Xavier's institute . On August 23, 2015, Singer declared filming completed. On September 4, 2015, filming began with the Second Unit , directed by Brian Smrz . A three-minute Quicksilver sequence was shot with Evan Peters, which required six weeks of shooting time and in which phantom cameras were used for 3D recordings and complex camera pans . For this sequence alone, according to singer Evan Peters, spent more time on set than any other actor. Re-shoots began in February 2016 in Montreal and the adjacent city of Hampstead .

To prepare for their roles, Olivia Munn and Oscar Isaac underwent a two-month special training program at the Dax Gym martial arts school . Munn trained 6 to 7 hours a day and lost 12 kilograms. A stunt double was originally supposed to be used for the action sequences of Psylocke , but Munn carried out all the stunts himself at his own request. Munn explained that it was important to her to perform the stunts herself, as this made the action sequences appear even more believable for the viewer.


On April 27, 2015, the first official picture of Kodi Smit-McPhee as a Nightcrawler was published. In July 2015, Bryan Singer published a film poster specially created for the San Diego Comic-Con International , on which En Sabah Nur and the remains of Charles Xavier's mansion can be seen. The men's magazine Esquire named it among the 11 best film posters of the year. One day later, the trailer was shown to the audience at Comic-Con. On July 16, 2015, the US magazine Entertainment Weekly published a photo series on which u. a. Oscar Isaac as the eponymous villain En Sabah Nur / Apocalypse, Olivia Munn as Psylocke, Michael Fassbender as Magneto and the young mutants Jean Gray, Cyclops and Jubilee can be seen. Two weeks later, Empire published more pictures.

On October 8, 2015, 20th Century Fox and food company Mars Inc. announced a partnership to market the film. The partnership includes displays in food retail and commercials under the brand name M & M’s . An image showing Magneto and Storm in the M&M variant was posted on the day of the announcement. On December 12, 2015, another image with Apocalypse was published in the M&M variant.

After Kinberg announced a release of the trailer in theaters in November 2015 in the opening act of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it was finally released on the Internet on December 11th. In the first 10 hours, the 2:33 minute trailer was viewed over 3.5 million times. In the next 3 days the number rose to 30 million. The trailer was musically supported by the piece The Hunted by the British band Snow Ghosts and the soundtrack In For the Kill , which was specially designed for the trailer. The trailer was discussed in detail in the press and fans compared it several times with the animated series X-Men: The Animated Series . The background is two lines of text that were almost completely taken over from the cartoon series in the trailer. On the same day, Singer released the first international film poster with Oscar Isaac depicted in close-up as the Apocalypse and under the caption "Only the Strong Will Survive" ("Only the Strong Will Survive").

In December 2015, the South Korean automaker Kia Motors announced a collaboration with 20th Century Fox to promote the film. A Kia Sportage with the name Kia X-Car was specially designed for this , which has a special film with matt and glossy shades of blue, the design of which is inspired by the skin color of the figure Mystique. The Kia X-Car was first seen on January 4, 2016 in a commercial with the international Kia brand ambassador Rafael Nadal . The presentation of the unique piece took place in mid-January at the Australian Open 2016. In addition, Kia Motors published another commercial on March 14, 2016, which was shown exclusively in China and shows a race between the X-Men character Quicksilver and the Kia KX5. It is the second collaboration for Kia Motors and 20th Century Fox. As early as November 2014, on the occasion of the home theater release of X-Men: Future is Past, a Kia Sorento was prepared, the design of which was also based on the protagonists of the X-Men film.

On February 8, 2016, a 30-second commercial was broadcast during the television broadcast of the Super Bowl . It was backed by a cover version of the Coldplay song Don't Panic by 18-year-old musician Clairity . Also in February 2016, 20th Century Fox's marketing department installed life-size cardboard displays with the X-Men cast in US cinemas across the country. Numerous cinema-goers took their pictures with the stand and published the pictures on social networks under the hashtag “Join The X-Men”. On March 8, 2016, Yahoo released an exclusive movie poster entitled Destroy , which featured Apocalypse and his four horsemen of the apocalyptic. A day later, 20th Century Fox published another copy under the title Defend , this time showing Charles Xavier and the X-Men.

On March 17, 2016, 20th Century Fox released the second trailer. A few hours earlier, a 20-second teaser was broadcast on the US television channel The Insider. The trailer pays homage to the first X-Men film (2000): Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy conduct a dialogue that was conducted by Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen in the final scene of X-Men with identical lines of text. Singer said that the homage in question was a spoiler at the end of the film and for this reason he intended to cut the scene out of the trailer. However, 20th Century Fox decided to use the scene in the trailer despite Singer's objection. In the first 48 hours, the trailer was viewed over 14.5 million times on the Internet. Shortly after the trailer was released, Empire Magazine unveiled a 9-piece puzzle cover that, taken together, creates an overarching image of the movie's cast on the magazine's cover.

On March 22, 2016, 20th Century Fox launched an X-Men fan app . The app, which was developed by the US startup Victorious, offers exclusive content, previously published promotional material and a platform for users to exchange and comment on their content with other users. As an introduction, 20th Century Fox started a so-called "Superfan Competition". The top five will therefore be able to see X-Men: Apocalypse even before the official cinema release. The remaining 95 winners will receive freebies, such as a T-shirt with the Apocalypse depicted on it or a Magneto helmet. In a featurette published in German at the beginning of April 2016 it was shown that Apocalypse gathered around him as recruits Storm, Angel, Psylocke and Magneto, his apocalyptic riders. In the April monthly issue of Empire, the magazine published an extensive report on X-Men: Apocalypse , in which u. a. the actors and producers of the film also had their say. Shortly thereafter, 12 character posters were released. An ensemble poster based on the cover of the 2005 video game X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse was released on April 13, 2016 . At the. On April 15, a promotional video with the actors of the film for the British Internet provider Sky Fiber was released on the Internet. On April 18, a website was published that describes Apocalypse's story under the name En Sabah Nur over the past millennia, as well as its casualty figures. On the same day, a video in the style of the mystery documentary series In Search of , voiced by George Takei , was released. On April 25th, the final trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse was released. The trailer was presented to media representatives at the Cinemacon a week earlier. In the first five days, the trailer received over 20 million clicks. On April 29, a Quicksilver promotional video for an energy drink was released. In a 1:58 min featurette entitled X-Men: Apocalypse - 'The History of Apocalypse' published at the beginning of May 2016, we learn that Apocalypse was born a million years ago and regards all mutants as his children.


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Hindu guides Rajan Zed and Rose McGowan

The first trailer, published in December 2015, sparked controversy over the emerging reference of the antagonist Apocalypse to the Hindu god Krishna . Apocalypse says in a monologue that he had "many names in many lifetimes" and refers to this as Krishna. Rajan Zed, the president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, a worldwide Hindu society, criticized that the reference in the context shown portrayed Krishna negatively, since Apocalypse pursues the goal of "cleaning the world" in order to " New World ”can arise under his rule. This would give a wrong image of Hinduism and hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus. In a letter published on the Internet, Zed asked director Singer to remove all references from the film. In the second trailer, which was published in mid-March 2016, these references could not be found. Instead, Apocalypse is commonly referred to as God without referring to any immanent concept of God.

The American film critic and former comic book writer Grace Randolph also criticized the fact that the Twin Towers seen in the trailer appear in a sequence in which New York City is apparently attacked and is in a devastated state and said that this was in view of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 was "inappropriate".

To promote the film, 20th Century Fox published numerous advertising banners in Los Angeles and New York City . An advertising poster showing how En Sabah strangles Nur Mystique became the subject of public debate. The actress Rose McGowan accused 20th Century Fox that the portrayal of a male character strangling a female character was a portrayal of a " sexist nature " and asked the studio to withdraw the advertising banners. As McGowan said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter , “It's a big problem when the men and women of 20th Century Fox think that casual violence against women is the way a movie is marketed. There's no context in advertising, just a strangled woman. The fact that no one noticed it is insulting and simply stupid ”(“ There is a major problem when the men and women at 20th Century Fox think casual violence against women is the way to market a film. There is no context in the ad, just a woman getting strangled. The fact that no one flagged this is offensive and frankly, stupid "). The author Sabina Ibarra criticized McGowan's opinion: Mystique is one of the strongest female film characters who saved all mutants from extermination in the previous film X-Men: Future is Past and added that she did not see a fight between " man against woman " on the advertising banner , but " villain versus heroine ". The picture suggests that the popular character Mystique is in mortal danger. The claim "Only the strongest will survive" ("Only the Strong Will Survive") underlines the intention of the advertising banner.

Reason.com's Robby Soave called the controversy “ absurd ” and noted that there has always been a lot of violence in the X-Men movies between “ men and women, women and women, men and men, humans and non-humans, blue People and other blue people ”. Soave also asked his readers, “If Apocalypse had strangled someone else, say Magneto, on the banner, would 20th Century Fox be accused of advocating violence against men? Or against Jews? I don't think "(" If the poster had depicted Apocalypse choking, say, Magneto, would we accuse it of advocating violence against men? Against Jews? I don't think so ") In a statement published on June 3, 2016, apologized 20th Century Fox publicly for advertising.


In Germany, X-Men: Apocalypse started on May 19, 2016 in 2D, 3D and in IMAX cinemas. It started in North America on May 27, 2016, although it was not published in IMAX format. The premiere took place on May 9, 2016 at the BFI IMAX in London.

X-Men: Apocalypse will be the first film in the X-Men series to be released as an Ultra HD Blu-ray at the same time as the DVD and Blu-ray launch. Director Singer explained that the home release will contain cut scenes in which Lana Condor will play a bigger role as Jubilee. For example, there should be a scene that shows how Jubilee uses her superpowers.


The X-Men

Surname Figure description actor
Professor Charles Xavier / Professor X Is a mutant and pacifist as well as the world's most powerful telepath. He can communicate through telepathy, read minds, and control the mind. In addition, he can project his astral form and is thereby able to appear in the thoughts of other people. He is the founder and director of Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, a school for mutants. James McAvoy
Hank McCoy / Beast Is a blue-furry mutant and a brilliant scientist, with superhuman strength and agility. A serum developed by him suppresses the X gene, which enables him to retain his human external form. Nicholas Hoult
Raven / Mystique Is a mutant with the ability to change shape. Singer explained that Mystique goes her own way and has made it her goal to free oppressed mutants from their predicament. According to Lawrence, Mystique does not know about the existence of Apocalypse, but "she hears about what happened to Erik and she tries to find him and help him." Jennifer Lawrence
Scott Summers / Cyclops Is a mutant with the ability to project rays of energy out of his eyes and is Havok's younger brother. To be able to control his strength he wears sunglasses. According to Sheridan, Cyclops is in a phase in which he is learning to adapt to human society as a mutant and to get his powers under control. Tye Sheridan
Jean Gray Is a mutant with telepathic and telekinetic abilities and one of the most valuable students of the Xavier Institute for gifted young people. Turner described the character as socially isolated, insecure, and estranged from other mutants. Sophie Turner
Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver Is a mutant with the ability to move superhumanely and the son of Magneto. Evan Peters
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler Is a German mutant with the ability to teleport. After being tracked down and rescued by Raven in a fight club, he finds refuge with Charles Xavier and becomes a new student at the Xaviers Institute for Gifted Youngsters. Kodi Smit-McPhee
Alex Summers / Havok Is a mutant with the ability to absorb cosmic energy and fire it with extreme destructive power. He is the older brother of Cyclops. Lucas Till
Jubilation Lee / Jubilee Is a mutant with the ability to generate pyrotechnic energy from her hands. According to McAvoy, Jubilee could "shoot fireworks out of her fingers in animation," but in the film they changed it to "now she is virtually the lover of electricity". Lana Condor

Apocalypse and the four horsemen of the apocalyptic

Surname Figure description actor
Apocalypse / En Sabah Nur Is a mutant who has a variety of superhuman and diverse abilities. Apocalypse was born thousands of years ago and grew up in ancient Egypt. He is considered to be the first carrier of the X gene. In ancient times it was given the name En Sabah Nur, which means 'the first'. He is arming himself with a strange and highly developed technology that regenerates his cells after a year of sleep, which theoretically makes him immortal. In the past millennia, Apocalypse has been worshiped as a god by various cultures under several names, such as Ra or Krishna . Oscar Isaac
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto → Main article: Magneto

Is a mutant with the ability to control magnetism. He can control and manipulate all types of metal. After a failed assassination attempt on the US president, Magneto fled to Poland, started a family and tried to lead a normal life. He is later recruited by Apocalypse. Fassbender explained the character's position as follows: “Magneto plays on both sides. It all depends on what day of the week it is. When we see him again for the first time, he has hung up his cloak, is in love and has a family. His motives are understandable, but the methods are questionable. "

Michael Fassbender
Psylocke / Elizabeth Braddock Is a mutant who prefers to use a katana in close combat . She is portrayed as one of the apocalyptic horsemen. Munn described Psylocke as "very deadly, very powerful and very strong". In preparation for the role, Munn practiced sword fighting. Olivia Munn
Warren Worthington III / Angel Is a mutant with wings. After one of his wings was injured during the fight with Nightcrawler, Apocalypse gave him wings made of metal, the springs of which he could fire as deadly projectiles. In preparation for the role, Hardy trained in a vertical wind tunnel . Ben Hardy
Ororo Munroe / Storm Is a mutant with the ability to manipulate the weather. It can create cyclones up to snowstorms. In addition, she has flight powers by focusing the wind on her body and manipulating it in such a way that her body is carried by the wind force generated by it. She grew up on the streets of Cairo without parents. In an interview with Empire Online, Singer said that Storm sees Apocalypse as a father figure because she found refuge and security with him. Alexandra Shipp


Surname Figure description actor
Moira MacTaggert A CIA agent who worked with Charles Xavier on X-Men: First Decision . Xavier later erased her memories of her experiences with the X-Men. Rose Byrne
Wiliam Stryker Stryker is a Colonel in the US Army who hates mutants and persecutes them relentlessly because of that. Josh Helman
Caliban Caliban is a mutant with the ability to locate the whereabouts of other mutants over great distances. He hunts and trades other mutants. Tomas Lemarquis
Logan / Wolverine Is a mutant with increased regenerative abilities that allow him to recover from injuries in seconds. As weapons, it has three predator-like claws on each hand. Wolverine ages much more slowly than normal people. Singer said that Wolverine's appearance in X-Men: Apocalypse was going to be "very crucial" to the X-Men films, and that it wasn't going to be just an ordinary cameo. Hugh Jackman



The film received mixed reviews. At Metacritic , the film received a Metascore of 52/100 based on 48 reviews, while at Rotten Tomatoes 48 percent of the 275 reviews were positive. The consensus is that the film is “overloaded with action”, that it lacks entertainment value and that it is “a disappointment for the franchise”.

International reviews

Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter says, “Despite a lot of action that is undoubtedly on offer, X-Men: Apocalypse is a case in point of more is less, especially when compared to the surprising action and interesting personal interactions [... ] in other major Marvel franchises. ”Bilge Ebiri from VillageVoice, on the other hand, praised what makes X-Men: Apocalypse so exciting is not a single thing, but its“ coherence ”and“ enthusiasm for storytelling ”. Hugh Armitage writes in Digital Spy that the film retains the "untidy charm" and quality of its previous films. For Ben Dreyfuss of Mother Jones , X-Men: Apocalypse is “the best superhero film of the year”.

Entertainment Weekly's Chris Nashawaty calls the film a giant step backwards for the franchise, as the previous films would have offered reason to expect more. With half a dozen too many characters and a villain who is a blue nothing, the film feels like a confusing sink mess. The story of the film is also so choppy and poorly crossed out that you have the feeling that you are not looking at a film, but flip books.

Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian thinks that what makes the X-Men so special is inadequately expressed, the dialogues are not very interesting and wants fewer characters from future X-Men films, but more emphasis should be placed on their characterization become.

German reviews

Andreas Staben von Filmstarts says: "X-Men: Apocalypse is until the end a blockbuster with moral barbs [...] as well as a bombastic superhero spectacle with a human dimension", and praised the acting performance of Michael Fassbender, who "goes even further into the depths of his Figure is allowed to immerse ”. The journalist Flo Lieb wrote in his review: “When Bryan Singer revived the flourishing genre 16 years ago with X-Men, he is now primarily staging for an exclusive clientele. That, in turn, will thank him, even if Oscar Isaacs En Sabah Nur seems to be better off with his presentation in a Power Rangers movie. Compared to people like Zack Snyder, Joss Whedon and the Russo brothers, Singer has understood and internalized what makes a comic film ”.

The film Feuilleton says in its conclusion that Bryan Singer delivers "an exciting superhero alternative that knows how to amaze with profound nuances in spite of its conventional and extremely simple basic structure".

Gross profit

X-Men: Apocalypse was released in 20,596 cinemas worldwide as of May 18, 2016, and had total sales of 100.8 million US dollars in 75 countries and territories (64% of the total sales market) on the opening weekend. It topped the chart in 71 countries, with the United Kingdom ($ 10.5 million), Mexico ($ 8.6 million) and Brazil ($ 6.6 million) as the strongest Proven sales markets. In the Philippines (US $ 4.9 million), India (US $ 3.5 million), Indonesia (US $ 3.1 million), Singapore (US $ 3 million) and Thailand ($ 2.7 million) and Colombia ($ 1.9 million) it was the most successful launch for the 20th Century Fox studio. It was the best start of an X-Men film in 33 countries, including Russia (6.5 million US dollars), where it exceeded the results of its previous film X-Men: The Future Is Past by 20%. So far, 776,701 visitors have been counted at the German box offices nationwide (as of September 4, 2016). The worldwide revenue of the film is currently around 543 million US dollars, making the film the 10th most successful films of 2016 (as of September 5, 2016). The film is currently the third highest-grossing film in the X-Men franchise, after Deadpool and X-Men: The Future Is Past . Overall, he made about 27% less at the box office than X-Men: The future is past .


year Award category Nominated result Ref.
2016 Spike Guys' Choice Awards Jean-Claude Gahd Dam Olivia Munn Won
Teen Choice Awards 2016 Choice Summer Movie X-Men: Apocalypse Nominated
Choice Movie: Hissy Fit Hugh Jackman Nominated
Choice Movie: Scene Stealer Evan Peters Nominated
Choice Movie: Breakout Star Alexandra Shipp Nominated


  • Charles Xavier's wheelchair is the same wheelchair used by Patrick Stewart in the first X-Men film (2000). The studio bought the wheelchair from a collector who had bought it at auction a few years earlier.
  • The working title of the film was "Akkaba". The title is a reference to the Clan Akkaba known in X-Men-Comics, a secret society founded in ancient Egypt of supporters who worship Apocalypse as god. In the film itself, the Akkaba clan came up when Moira MacTaggert tells of the fact that, since mutants became known, secret societies have been founded that see in them a kind of Second Coming of the Lord” or “a sign of God” .
  • Ben Hardy originally applied for the role of Cyclops. Singer offered him the role of Angel instead, as he found Hardy visually and physically ideal for this role.
  • Apocalypse actor Oscar Isaac's voice was changed six times in post-production .
  • With a theatrical release in May 2016, the character Apocalypse makes his debut in a real-life film almost 30 years after his first comic book appearance (May 1986) .
  • The cartoon character Dazzler made a cameo. She is pictured in a music store on a record album shown by Scott Jean. However, this scene was cut from the theatrical version and is only included in the home release.
  • Oscar Isaac is the third X-Men actor, after Ray Park and Rose Byrne , to previously starred in a Star Wars film.
  • Quicksilver wears a t-shirt that says “Rush”. This is an Easter egg and a reference to the Canadian rock band Rush , of which Singer is an avowed fan.
  • In one scene, Charles Xavier reads from the book The King of Camelot in front of his students . This is the same book that Magneto (played by Ian McKellen ) read in X-Men 2 in a prison scene.
  • Nightcrawler wears a red leather jacket in the film that pays homage to Michael Jackson's music video Thriller .
  • The container port that Magneto is destroying is the Port of Hamburg (you can see it on the map in the port authority's office).


On May 9, 2016, Simon Kinberg confirmed that the next regular X-Men movie would be set in the 1990s, a decade after X-Men: Apocalypse . Kinberg expressed the wish to revisit the comic storyline The Dark Phoenix Saga , which had already been filmed in X-Men: The Last Stand , but this time wanted to implement a comic- faithful implementation. McAvoy, Fassbender, Lawrence, and Hoult each signed three X-Men films with 20th Century Fox in 2010. This is fulfilled with X-Men: Apocalypse . Kinberg said in a July 2015 interview that 20th Century Fox was interested in extending contracts with all cast members. However, the X-Men franchise is not tied to individual actors and will therefore definitely be continued regardless of the contract negotiations. Lawrence initially denied any interest in further X-Men films in March 2015, but changed her mind a year later. In May 2015, Fassbender expressed an interest in extending the contract for several films and confirmed this by saying that he would also sign for a hundred films. In March 2015, Hoult also said he was open to a contract extension. McAvoy first commented on his future in the X-Men franchise on April 6, 2016, stating that if 20th Century Fox were seriously interested, he would continue to play the role of Charles Xaviers. On November 9, 2016, Kinberg announced to the Hollywood Reporter that a realignment of the X-Men franchise was being planned and that he would continue to act as producer and screenwriter. There will be no complete restart of the series, instead the focus will be on a new line-up and at the same time a return of Fassbender, McAvoy, Lawrence and Hoult will be kept open.

On May 13, 2015, 20th Century Fox announced X-Men: The New Mutants , a spin-off in the X-Men film franchise. Kinberg and Lauren Shuler Donner take over the production again. As a director, was Josh Boone committed, is to write the screenplay. The New Mutants are a troop of juvenile mutants trained by Professor Charles Xavier.

On March 28, 2016, director Bryan Singer announced that he was taking a break from the X-Men franchise. The reason is the psychologically demanding work of X-Men: Future is Past and X-Men: Apocalypse , which were produced in four years without interruption. However, he already has ideas for his potential next X-Men film. So he wanted to introduce the character Proteus as the next antagonist in the X-Men franchise. Proteus is his first choice because, among other things, “ you can do a lot with the character just visually ”. Proteus is the son of Moira MacTaggert, who can generate energy with his thoughts, but it destroys his body and he therefore has to regularly take over a new body as host.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for X-Men: Apocalypse . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Age rating for X-Men: Apocalypse . Youth Media Commission .
  3. 'Days of Future Past' director Bryan Singer talks 'X-Men: Apocalypse'. In: Hypable. Retrieved April 15, 2016 .
  4. Annika Schumann: X-Men Apocalypse: Bryan Singer confirmed as director In: giga.de, 23 September 2014.
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