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{{short description|Italian literary critic (born 1971)}}
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| notable_works = ''Melodramma'', ''Raccontare oggi'', ''Narrativa USA 1984-2014''
| notableworks = ''Il testo narrativo'', ''Il sogno all'opera. Racconti onirici e testi melodrammatici''
| website =
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'''Fabio Vittorini''' (born 19 December 1971) is an Italian [[literary critic]], currently [[Professor]] of [[Comparative Literature]] at [[IULM University of Milan]] (Italy)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/docenti/vittorini-fabio|title=Università IULM - Vittorini Fabio|last=|first=|date=|website=|publisher=Iulm.it|archiveurl=|deadurl=|df=}}</ref> He is known for his studies on [[opera]] and on [[Metamodernism|metamodern]] narratives. He is the author of many books and articles.
'''Fabio Vittorini''' (born 19 December 1971) is an Italian [[literary critic]], currently [[Professor]] of [[Comparative Literature]] at [[IULM University of Milan]] (Italy)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/docenti/vittorini-fabio|title=Università IULM - Vittorini Fabio|last=|first=|date=|website=|publisher=Iulm.it|archiveurl=|df=}}</ref> He is known for his studies on [[opera]] and on [[Metamodernism|metamodern]] narratives. He is the author of many books and articles.

== Biography ==
== Biography ==
In 1995 he graduated in Modern Literature at University of Bologna under the supervision of Mario Lavagetto. In 1999 he got a Ph.D. in Literary Theory at University of Bergamo.
In 1995 he graduated in Modern Literature at University of Bologna under the supervision of Mario Lavagetto. In 1999 he got a Ph.D. in Literary Theory at University of Bergamo.

Between 1996 and 2001 he gave seminars on [[Literary Theory]] and [[Comparative Literature]] at University of Bologna. Between 2001 and 2002 he was lecturer of Italian Contemporary Literature at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Since 2002 he is professor of [[Comparative Literature]] and Music and Image at [[IULM University of Milan]], where he also coordinates a Master ([http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/Studiare-alla-IULM/Corsi-di-Laurea-Magistrale/televisione-cinema-e-new-media/Il-Corso Television, cinema and new media]) and a [http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/Risorse-e-servizi/Laboratori-didattici-e-di-ricerca/Laboratorio-multimediale Multimedia Laboratory], and is a member of the board of [http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/studiare-alla-iulm/dottorati-di-ricerca/dottorato-in-visual-and-media-studies Visual and Media Studies Ph.D].
Between 1996 and 2001 he gave seminars on [[Literary Theory]] and [[Comparative Literature]] at University of Bologna. Between 2001 and 2002 he was lecturer of Italian Contemporary Literature at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Between 2002 and 2007 he was associate professor of [[Comparative Literature]] and Music and Image at [[IULM University of Milan]]. Since 2018 he is full professor at the same university, where he also coordinates a Master ([http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/Studiare-alla-IULM/Corsi-di-Laurea-Magistrale/televisione-cinema-e-new-media/Il-Corso Television, cinema and new media]) and a [http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/Risorse-e-servizi/Laboratori-didattici-e-di-ricerca/Laboratorio-multimediale Multimedia Laboratory], and is a member of the board of [http://www.iulm.it/wps/wcm/connect/iulmit/iulm-it/studiare-alla-iulm/dottorati-di-ricerca/dottorato-in-visual-and-media-studies Visual and Media Studies Ph.D].

He is a member of the Italian National Council of Literary Critic and Comparative Literature.
He is a member of the Italian National Council of Literary Critic and Comparative Literature.

He is a member of the committees of the several reviews of comparative literature: “Poli-Femo” (scientific committee), "Symbolon” and “Comparatismi” (steering committee).
He is a member of the steering committees of the following reviews of comparative literature: “Poli-Femo”, "Symbolon” and “Comparatismi”.

He is a member of the editorial office of the movies webzine [http://duels.it duels.it].
He is a member of the editorial office of the movies webzine [http://duels.it duels.it].

He reviews musical events for the Italian newspaper [[Il manifesto|Il Manifesto]].
He reviews musical events for the Italian newspaper [[Il manifesto|Il Manifesto]].

He is author and host of cultural tv shows for Italian National Television [[RAI]].

== Research Interests ==
== Research Interests ==

=== Opera ===
=== Opera and Melodrama ===
In his book ''Shakespeare and romantic opera'' (2000) he outlined how [[William Shakespeare|Shakespeare]]'s plays entered the European continental literature and culture, mostly through French dramatic rewritings during the XVIII Century and, after the romantic consecration, through Italian operatic adaptations during the XIX Century.<ref>See [https://books.google.com/books?id=RO26_2br-hAC&pg=PA9] and [http://www.compagnosegreto.it/NUMERO%2012/autore55.htm]</ref>
In his book ''Shakespeare and romantic opera'' (2000) he outlined how [[William Shakespeare|Shakespeare]]'s plays entered the European continental literature and culture, mostly through French dramatic rewritings during the 18th century and, after the romantic consecration, through Italian operatic adaptations during the 19th century.<ref>See [https://books.google.com/books?id=RO26_2br-hAC&pg=PA9] and [http://www.compagnosegreto.it/NUMERO%2012/autore55.htm]</ref>

In the book ''The Threshold of the Invisible. A Journey into Macbeth: Shakespeare, Verdi, Welles'' (2005), he deepened the points of the [[Intertextuality|intertextual]], inter-semiotic, inter-cultural and intermedial translation focusing on the case of [[Macbeth]] (Shakespeare's [[Macbeth|tragedy]], Giuseppe Verdi's [[Macbeth (opera)|opera]] and Orson Welles's [[Macbeth (1948 film)|movie]])
In his book ''The Threshold of the Invisible. A Journey into Macbeth: Shakespeare, Verdi, Welles'' (2005), he deepened the points of the [[Intertextuality|intertextual]], inter-semiotic, inter-cultural and intermedial translation focusing on the case of [[Macbeth]] (Shakespeare's [[Macbeth|tragedy]], Giuseppe Verdi's [[Macbeth (Verdi)|opera]] and Orson Welles's [[Macbeth (1948 film)|movie]])

In the book ''Dream in Opera. Oneiric Tales and Operatic Texts'' (2010) he used the [[Sigmund Freud|Freud]]'s psychoanalysis tools to build a theory about the structural relationship between oneiric and operatic languages.
In his book ''Dream in Opera. Oneiric Tales and Operatic Texts'' (2010) he used the [[Sigmund Freud|Freud]]'s psychoanalysis tools to build a theory about the structural relationship between oneiric and operatic languages.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|url=https://iulm.academia.edu/FabioVittorini|title=Fabio Vittorini {{!}} IULM University - Academia.edu|website=iulm.academia.edu|access-date=2019-06-11}}</ref>

In his book ''Melodrama. An intermedia path between theater, novel, cinema and TV series'' (2020) he explored the melodramatic mode as a typically modern device of aesthetic knowledge, going back to the origins of the melodramatic imagination, mapping its deep structures and reconstructing the historical relationships between the genre where it initially crystallized (''[[Melodrama|mélodrame]]'') and the contemporary or later genres where it spread, in particular romantic opera, realist-naturalist novel, American film and television [[melodrama]], psychoanalysis and European auteur cinema, contemporary novel.
=== Metamodern Narratives ===
In his very first book ''Story and Plot'' (1998) and in the following ''The'' ''Narrative Text'' (2005) he explored all the possibilities of classical [[narratology]] to define the recurring structures of narrative texts in modern, modernist and postmodernist traditions.

=== Narratology and [[Metamodernism]] ===
In 2015, after a decade of academic courses and studies, in his book ''USA Narrative 1984-2014: Novels, Films, Graphic Novels, TV Series, Video-games etc.'', he outlined the story of contemporary United States narrative fiction, sweeping through a large number of languages and media and analyzing in detail several novels ([[Neuromancer]], [[White Noise (novel)|White Noise]], [[Bright Lights, Big City (novel)|Bright Lights, Big City]], [[Less Than Zero (novel)|Less Than Zero]], [[Days Between Stations (novel)|Days Between Stations]], [[City of Glass (Paul Auster book)|City of Glass]], [[The Secret History]], Flesh and Blood, [[Infinite Jest]], [[Underworld (DeLillo novel)|Underworld]], [[Mason & Dixon]], [[American Pastoral]], [[Toward the End of Time]], [[Timequake]], [[Glamorama]], [[Invisible Monsters]], [[A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius]], [[The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay]], [[The Corrections]], [[The Fortress of Solitude (novel)|The Fortress of Solitude]], [[Middlesex (novel)|Middlesex]], [[Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim]], [[Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close]], [[The Road]], [[Rant (novel)|Rant]], [[To Rise Again at a Decent Hour]]), movies ([[Once Upon a Time in America|Once upon a Time in America]], [[Until the End of the World|Bis ans Ende der Welt]], [[The Player (film)|The Player]], [[Short Cuts (film)|Short Cuts]], [[Six Degrees of Separation (film)|Six Degrees of Separation]], [[Inception]], [[Life in a Day (2011 film)|Life in a Day]], [[The Tree of Life (film)|The Tree of Life]]), visual artworks (by [[Keith Haring]], [[Richard Prince]], [[Cindy Sherman]], [[Félix González-Torres|Felix Gonzalez-Torres]], [[Richard Estes]], [[Bill Viola]]), tv series ([[Six Feet Under (TV series)|Six Feet Under]], [[Sex and the City]], [[Lost (TV series)|Lost]], [[Six Degrees]]).
In his very first book ''Story and Plot'' (1998) and in the following ''The'' ''Narrative Text'' (2005) he explored possibilities of classical [[narratology]] to define the recurring structures of narrative texts in modern, modernist and postmodernist traditions.

In 2015, after a decade of academic courses and studies, in his book ''USA Narrative 1984-2014: Novels, Films, Graphic Novels, TV Series, Video-games etc.'', he outlined the story of contemporary United States narrative fiction.
In 2017, in his book ''Telling today. Metamodernism between narratology, hermeneutics e intermediality'', starting from the previous exploration and extending it beyond the limits of USA culture, he tried to develop a theory of the [[Metamodernism|metamodern]] narratives. Applying the category newly coined by Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker to the works of contemporary global novelists ([[Don DeLillo]], [[Philip Roth]], [[Thomas Pynchon]], [[Michel Houellebecq]], [[Roberto Bolaño]], [[Javier Marías]], [[David Foster Wallace]], [[Bret Easton Ellis]], [[Emmanuel Carrère]], [[Dave Eggers]], [[Patrick Modiano]], [[Jonathan Safran Foer]], [[Ian McEwan]], [[Jeffrey Eugenides|Jeffery Eugenides]], [[Carlos Ruiz Zafón]], [[Michael Cunningham]], [[Haruki Murakami]], [[Jonathan Franzen]], [[Jonathan Lethem]] etc), he concluded that since the late Eighties the literary fiction tends to combine the mimetic strategies of the modern with the meta-literary strategies of the postmodern, performing "a pendulum-like motion between the naive and/or fanatic idealism of the former and the skeptical and/or apathetic pragmatism of the latter", constantly repositioning with, between and beyond (''meta''-) " discursive and material, visible and sayable, mimetic and antireferential, cosmology and cosmophobia, introspectivity and desubjectivation", or else moving in a metamodern space, where "the elaboration of the formal completeness becomes functional to the mimesis of a complex, entropic reality, less and less scriptable in coherent universes, unitary actions and autoconclusive plots, but rather interceptable, alludable, flowchartable in reticular, digressive, fractal narrative structures"<ref>{{Cite book|title=Raccontare oggi. Metamodernismo tra narratologia, ermeneutica e intermedialità|last=Vittorini|first=Fabio|publisher=Pàtron|year=2017|isbn=9788855533911|location=Bologna|pages=155}}</ref>.

In 2017, in his book ''Telling today. Metamodernism between narratology, hermeneutics and intermediality'', starting from the previous exploration and extending it beyond the limits of USA culture, he tried to develop a theory of the [[Metamodernism|metamodern]] narratives.<ref name=":0" />

=== Italo Svevo ===
=== Italo Svevo ===
In 2004 he carried out the philological edition of [[La coscienza di Zeno]] and of the unfinished forth novel by [[Italo Svevo]] (''Il vecchione'' or ''Il vegliardo''), within ''The'' ''Complete Works'' of [[Italo Svevo]] (3 voll., Milano, Mondadori, ed. by Mario Lavagetto), which imposed itself as the basic edition for any later Svevo's critics.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ibs.it/code/9788804523642/svevo-italo/tutte-opere.html|title=Svevo Italo - Tutte le opere|date=2010-12-09|publisher=Ibs.it|accessdate=2010-12-18}}</ref>
In 2004 he carried out the philological edition of [[La coscienza di Zeno]] and of the unfinished forth novel by [[Italo Svevo]] (''Il vecchione'' or ''Il vegliardo''), within ''The'' ''Complete Works'' of [[Italo Svevo]] (3 voll., Milano, Mondadori, ed. by Mario Lavagetto), which imposed itself as the basic edition for any later Svevo's critics.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ibs.it/code/9788804523642/svevo-italo/tutte-opere.html|title=Svevo Italo - Tutte le opere|date=2010-12-09|publisher=Ibs.it|accessdate=2010-12-18}}</ref>

In 2011 he wrote ''Italo Svevo,'' a monographic book on the author.
In 2011 he wrote ''Italo Svevo,'' a monographic book on the author.<ref name=":0" />


* ''Normal People. Gender e generazioni in transito tra letteratura e media'' (Normal People. Genders and generations in transit between literature and media), ed. by Fabio Vittorini and Federico Bortolini, Bologna, Pàtron, 2022
* ''Melodramma. Un percorso intermediale tra teatro, romanzo, cinema e serie tv'' (Melodrama. An intermedia path between theater, novel, cinema and TV series), Bologna, Pàtron, 2020
* ''Nuove narrazioni mediali. Musica, immagine, racconto'' (New media narrations. Music, image, story), ed. by Fabio Vittorini, Bologna, Pàtron, 2019
* ''Raccontare oggi. Metamodernismo tra narratologia, ermeneutica e intermedialità'' (Telling today. Metamodernism between narratology, hermeneutics and intermediality), Bologna, Pàtron, 2017
* ''Raccontare oggi. Metamodernismo tra narratologia, ermeneutica e intermedialità'' (Telling today. Metamodernism between narratology, hermeneutics and intermediality), Bologna, Pàtron, 2017
* ''Narrativa USA 1984-201: romanzi, film, graphic novel, serie tv, videogame e altro'' (USA Narrative 1984-2014: Novels, Films, Graphic Novels, TV Series, Video-games etc.), Bologna, Pàtron, 2015
* ''Narrativa USA 1984-2014: romanzi, film, graphic novel, serie tv, videogame e altro'' (USA Narrative 1984-2014: Novels, Films, Graphic Novels, TV Series, Video-games etc.), Bologna, Pàtron, 2015
* ''Italo Svevo'', Milano, Mondadori, 2011
* ''Italo Svevo'', Milano, Mondadori, 2011
* ''Il sogno all'opera. Racconti onirici e testi melodrammatici'' (Dream in Opera. Oneiric Tales and Operatic Texts), Palermo, Sellerio, 2010
* ''Il sogno all'opera. Racconti onirici e testi melodrammatici'' (Dream in Opera. Oneiric Tales and Operatic Texts), Palermo, Sellerio, 2010
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* ''Fabula e intreccio'' (Story and Plot), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1998
* ''Fabula e intreccio'' (Story and Plot), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1998

== TV Programs ==
2015: ''[[Spoon River Anthology]]'' (on [[Edgar Lee Masters]]' poems)<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.raiscuola.rai.it/articoli/spoon-river-anthology/31978/default.aspx|title=Spoon River Anthology RAI|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170610103006/http://www.raiscuola.rai.it/articoli/spoon-river-anthology/31978/default.aspx|archive-date=2017-06-10|access-date=|url-status=dead}}</ref>
* ''«A most strange story». Prospero e l’arte di raccontare'', in «Symbolon. Rivista annuale del centro universitario per lo studio del tema Simbolo Letteratura Scienze umane», Anno X, n. 7 nuova serie, Lecce, Milella, 2016

* ''Testi disordinati: incompiute, contro-storie, errori nella narrativa USA contemporanea'', in «Comparatismi», 1, 2016
2017: ''[[Dracula]]'' (on [[Bram Stoker]]'s novel and its [[Dracula in popular culture|adaptations]])<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.raiscuola.rai.it/programma-unita/dracula/274/-1/default.aspx|title=Dracula RAI|last=|first=|date=|website=|archive-url=|archive-date=|access-date=}}</ref>
* ''Il lettore transitivo: Calvino e il saggio'', in «AGON», n. 10, luglio-settembre 2016

* ''«L’imitazione di se stesso»: le scritture pubbliche e le scritture private di Italo Svevo,'' in «Aghios. Quaderni di studi sveviani», 7/8, ''Fascicolo speciale con gli Atti del Convegno Internazionale sul tema'' Italo Svevo e le scienze: vita, tempo, scritture ''(Ruhr-Universität di Bochum – febbraio 2012)'', a cura di M. Guthmüller e E. Schomacher, Udine, Campanotto, 2014
2018: ''[[Edgar Allan Poe]] - The Last Four Days'' (on the life and works of the writer).<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.raiplay.it/programmi/edgarallanpoe-thelastfourdays/|title=Edgar Allan Poe - The last four days - RaiPlay|website=www.raiplay.it|language=it|access-date=2019-06-11}}</ref>
* ''«Un videogame a grandezza naturale». Altman, Peckinpah e il telefilm western'', in ''Maestri in serie. L'abc del telefilm d'autore'', a cura di M. Gerosa e R. Caccia, Milano, Falsopiano, 2013 

* ''«Mi hai sedotto o Dio»: l'Altro e la distruzione di sé'', in ''Le frontiere dell'alterità'', a cura di P. Proietti e R. Boccali, Palermo, Sellerio, 2010
2022: ''The Creation of [[Frankenstein]]'' (on the life and works of [[Mary Shelley]])<ref>{{Cite web |title=The creation of Frankenstein {{!}} Lingue e culture straniere |url=https://www.raiscuola.rai.it/lingueeculturestraniere/articoli/2022/05/The-creation-of-Frankenstein-4d1f202c-4efa-4a9b-8903-2ddcc0d28c46.html |access-date=2022-05-06 |website=Rai Scuola |language=it}}</ref>
* ''«O vecchio cuore batti». Musica e orchestrazione in «Rime e Ritmi»'', in ''Qual musica attorno a Giosue. Nel centenario della morte di Carducci'', a cura di P. Mioli, Bologna, Pàtron, 2009
* ''Il sorriso degli angeli: Romeo and Juliet all'opera (Vaccai, Bellini)'', in “Quaderni musicali Marchigiani”, vol. 11, a cura di R. Graciotti, Urbino, QuattroVenti, 2007
* ''Agli occhi della propria storia. Le identità inquiete di Pier Vittorio Tondelli'', in AA. VV., ''Le identità giovanili raccontate nelle letterature del Novecento'', a cura di C. A. Augieri, Lecce, Manni, 2005
* ''«Ce beau genre de pathétique»: Amleto e il melodramma romantico'', in AA. VV., ''Poesia romantica in musica'', a cura di A. Caprioli, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2005
* ''I sogni di Zeno'', in AA.VV., ''Nel paese dei sogni'', a cura di F. Vittorini e V. Pietrantonio, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2003
* ''«Macbeth» et la mise en scène de l'inconscient'', in AA. VV., ''Verdi e o seu tempo'', in «Românica», Centro de Estudos Comparatistas de Lisboa, 2002, n. 11
* ''Shakespeare, Verdi et les Sorcières de «Macbeth»'', in AA. VV., ''Shakespeare avec Verdi'', Cahiers du Festival d'Aix en Provence, 2002
* ''La Coscienza di Zeno (1923)'', in AA.VV., Quindici episodi del romanzo italiano (1831-1923), Bologna, Pendragon, 1999

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Latest revision as of 08:56, 1 April 2024

Fabio Vittorini
Born (1971-12-19) December 19, 1971 (age 52)
Ancona (Italy)
Occupationliterary critic
Notable workMelodramma, Raccontare oggi, Narrativa USA 1984-2014

Fabio Vittorini (born 19 December 1971) is an Italian literary critic, currently Professor of Comparative Literature at IULM University of Milan (Italy)[1] He is known for his studies on opera and on metamodern narratives. He is the author of many books and articles.


In 1995 he graduated in Modern Literature at University of Bologna under the supervision of Mario Lavagetto. In 1999 he got a Ph.D. in Literary Theory at University of Bergamo.

Between 1996 and 2001 he gave seminars on Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at University of Bologna. Between 2001 and 2002 he was lecturer of Italian Contemporary Literature at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Between 2002 and 2007 he was associate professor of Comparative Literature and Music and Image at IULM University of Milan. Since 2018 he is full professor at the same university, where he also coordinates a Master (Television, cinema and new media) and a Multimedia Laboratory, and is a member of the board of Visual and Media Studies Ph.D.

He is a member of the Italian National Council of Literary Critic and Comparative Literature.

He is a member of the steering committees of the following reviews of comparative literature: “Poli-Femo”, "Symbolon” and “Comparatismi”.

He is a member of the editorial office of the movies webzine duels.it.

He reviews musical events for the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto.

He is author and host of cultural tv shows for Italian National Television RAI.

Research Interests[edit]

Opera and Melodrama[edit]

In his book Shakespeare and romantic opera (2000) he outlined how Shakespeare's plays entered the European continental literature and culture, mostly through French dramatic rewritings during the 18th century and, after the romantic consecration, through Italian operatic adaptations during the 19th century.[2]

In his book The Threshold of the Invisible. A Journey into Macbeth: Shakespeare, Verdi, Welles (2005), he deepened the points of the intertextual, inter-semiotic, inter-cultural and intermedial translation focusing on the case of Macbeth (Shakespeare's tragedy, Giuseppe Verdi's opera and Orson Welles's movie)

In his book Dream in Opera. Oneiric Tales and Operatic Texts (2010) he used the Freud's psychoanalysis tools to build a theory about the structural relationship between oneiric and operatic languages.[3]

In his book Melodrama. An intermedia path between theater, novel, cinema and TV series (2020) he explored the melodramatic mode as a typically modern device of aesthetic knowledge, going back to the origins of the melodramatic imagination, mapping its deep structures and reconstructing the historical relationships between the genre where it initially crystallized (mélodrame) and the contemporary or later genres where it spread, in particular romantic opera, realist-naturalist novel, American film and television melodrama, psychoanalysis and European auteur cinema, contemporary novel.

Narratology and Metamodernism[edit]

In his very first book Story and Plot (1998) and in the following The Narrative Text (2005) he explored possibilities of classical narratology to define the recurring structures of narrative texts in modern, modernist and postmodernist traditions.

In 2015, after a decade of academic courses and studies, in his book USA Narrative 1984-2014: Novels, Films, Graphic Novels, TV Series, Video-games etc., he outlined the story of contemporary United States narrative fiction.

In 2017, in his book Telling today. Metamodernism between narratology, hermeneutics and intermediality, starting from the previous exploration and extending it beyond the limits of USA culture, he tried to develop a theory of the metamodern narratives.[3]

Italo Svevo[edit]

In 2004 he carried out the philological edition of La coscienza di Zeno and of the unfinished forth novel by Italo Svevo (Il vecchione or Il vegliardo), within The Complete Works of Italo Svevo (3 voll., Milano, Mondadori, ed. by Mario Lavagetto), which imposed itself as the basic edition for any later Svevo's critics.[4]

In 2011 he wrote Italo Svevo, a monographic book on the author.[3]



  • Normal People. Gender e generazioni in transito tra letteratura e media (Normal People. Genders and generations in transit between literature and media), ed. by Fabio Vittorini and Federico Bortolini, Bologna, Pàtron, 2022
  • Melodramma. Un percorso intermediale tra teatro, romanzo, cinema e serie tv (Melodrama. An intermedia path between theater, novel, cinema and TV series), Bologna, Pàtron, 2020
  • Nuove narrazioni mediali. Musica, immagine, racconto (New media narrations. Music, image, story), ed. by Fabio Vittorini, Bologna, Pàtron, 2019
  • Raccontare oggi. Metamodernismo tra narratologia, ermeneutica e intermedialità (Telling today. Metamodernism between narratology, hermeneutics and intermediality), Bologna, Pàtron, 2017
  • Narrativa USA 1984-2014: romanzi, film, graphic novel, serie tv, videogame e altro (USA Narrative 1984-2014: Novels, Films, Graphic Novels, TV Series, Video-games etc.), Bologna, Pàtron, 2015
  • Italo Svevo, Milano, Mondadori, 2011
  • Il sogno all'opera. Racconti onirici e testi melodrammatici (Dream in Opera. Oneiric Tales and Operatic Texts), Palermo, Sellerio, 2010
  • Il testo narrativo (The Narrative Text), Roma, Carrocci, 2005
  • La soglia dell'invisibile. Percorsi del Macbeth: Shakespeare, Verdi, Welles (The Threshold of the Invisible. A Journey into Macbeth: Shakespeare, Verdi, Welles), Roma, Carocci, 2005
  • Italo Svevo: Guida alla "Coscienza di Zeno" (Italo Svevo: A Guidebook to "La Coscienza di Zeno"), Roma, Carocci, 2003
  • Shakespeare e il melodramma romantico (Shakespeare and Romantic Opera), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 2000
  • Fabula e intreccio (Story and Plot), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1998

TV Programs[edit]

2015: Spoon River Anthology (on Edgar Lee Masters' poems)[5]

2017: Dracula (on Bram Stoker's novel and its adaptations)[6]

2018: Edgar Allan Poe - The Last Four Days (on the life and works of the writer).[7]

2022: The Creation of Frankenstein (on the life and works of Mary Shelley)[8]


  1. ^ "Università IULM - Vittorini Fabio". Iulm.it.
  2. ^ See [1] and [2]
  3. ^ a b c "Fabio Vittorini | IULM University - Academia.edu". iulm.academia.edu. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
  4. ^ "Svevo Italo - Tutte le opere". Ibs.it. 2010-12-09. Retrieved 2010-12-18.
  5. ^ "Spoon River Anthology RAI". Archived from the original on 2017-06-10.
  6. ^ "Dracula RAI".
  7. ^ "Edgar Allan Poe - The last four days - RaiPlay". www.raiplay.it (in Italian). Retrieved 2019-06-11.
  8. ^ "The creation of Frankenstein | Lingue e culture straniere". Rai Scuola (in Italian). Retrieved 2022-05-06.