Émile Théodore Léon Gautier

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Léon Gautier

Émile Théodore Léon Gautier (born August 8, 1832 in Le Havre , †  August 25, 1897 in Paris ) was a French philologist , literary historian and archivist .

Gautier trained at the École nationale des chartes and later became archivist, first of the archives of the Haute-Marne department , then of the imperial archives in Paris. In 1871 he became a professor of palaeography at the École des Chartes. In 1887 he was elected a member of the Inscription Society. In 1893 he became head of the historical department of the National Archives.

Gautier did a great job researching early French literature. His numerous works on medieval topics include his critical editions of the Chanson de Roland and the Épopées françaises (published 1866–1867 in 3 volumes; 2nd edition 1878–1897 in 5 volumes with a bibliography of the Chansons de geste ), each with translation and Introduction to the most important.


  • Œuvres poétiques d ' Adam de Saint-Victor (1858/59)
  • Les Épopées françaises (1865/68)
  • La Chanson de Roland (texte critique, 1872)
  • La Chevalerie (1884)
  • Histoire de la poésie liturgique au Moyen Âge: les tropes (1886)
  • Portraits du XIXe siècle. Historiens et critiques (1894/95)
  • Portraits du XIXe siècle. Nos adversaires et nos amis (1894/95)
  • Bibliography des chansons de geste (1897)

Web links

Commons : Léon Gautier  - Collection of images, videos and audio files