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The Ófærufossar in the Eldgjá

The Ófærufossar in the Eldgjá

Coordinates 63 ° 57 '53.1 "  N , 18 ° 37' 4.9"  W Coordinates: 63 ° 57 '53.1 "  N , 18 ° 37' 4.9"  W.
Ófærufoss (Iceland)
place Eldgjá , Vík í Mýrdal , Iceland
height 40 m
Number of fall levels 2
flow Norðari-Ófærá → Skaftá

The Ófærufossar are two waterfalls in Iceland . You are in the fire column Eldgjá in the southern foothills of the Icelandic highlands .

The waterfalls are formed by the Norðari-Ófærá River, a tributary of the Skaftá .

In the past, a natural basalt stone bridge spanned the lower of the two waterfalls. This collapsed as a result of the snowmelt in the winter of 1992/1993.


From the parking lot at the end of the access road, the waterfalls can be reached in a half-hour hike.

See also

Web links

Commons : Ófærufoss  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Eldgja Fissure System, Katla Volcano, Iceland ( Memento from March 8, 2008 in the Internet Archive )