Gross-Gerau-Bremen oil mill

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Former oil mill Groß-Gerau-Bremen, later Kaffee-HAG-Werk II

The Groß-Gerau-Bremen oil mill is a factory complex at Bremen's wood and factory harbor . The buildings are located in the Überseestadt district of the Walle district and are now a Bremen monument . They were built at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century to operate an oil mill and later used by the neighboring Kaffee Hag company under the name Kaffee-HAG-Werk II to manufacture the cocoa product Kaba .


Kaba production in Kaffee-HAG-Werk II in Bremen

The existing building stock of the former oil mill, which has been preserved in the original way, essentially includes two five-storey storage buildings (storage facilities I and II) and the machine house from 1899. The storage facilities facing the harbor basin were built in 1906 and 1912 according to plans by Bremen Hildebrand  & Günthel industrial architecture offices established. While the interior of the storage buildings was created in the then new type of concrete skeleton construction , the outer walls still show the historicizing brick factory architecture of the turn of the century. On the harbor side, the building complex was connected to the Bremen harbor railway by a track .


Builders of the oil mill was the Oelfabrik Gross-Gerau-Bremen , which in the 1860s in Gross-Gerau under the name & Schonberg Co. was founded. Even after the new factory was built in Bremen, it kept its factory in Groß-Gerau. The oil factory opened in the summer of 1896. She made products from palm kernels and coconuts. Another factory for the "production of technical oils, preferably castor and coconut oil" was under construction this year. In 1906 production was affected by a major fire. Probably in the 1920s, the Hag coffee company acquired the existing building stock of the oil mill in order to start manufacturing the cocoa product Kaba there in 1929.

Web links

Commons : Ölmühle Groß-Gerau-Bremen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Oelfabrik Gross-Gerau-Bremen in historic Companies Register
  2. ^ Report of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce for the year 1896; reimbursed to the business community , Bremen Chamber of Commerce , p. 37 f .; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. Hermann Klaue: The German oil milling: a representation of the economic importance of their technical development. Klinkhardt, Leipzig 1913, p. 217

Coordinates: 53 ° 6 ′ 8.7 ″  N , 8 ° 46 ′ 0.9 ″  E