Austro-Swedish Society

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Austrian-Swedish Society
purpose Association for the maintenance and promotion of relations between Austria and Sweden
Chair: Viveka Slama
Establishment date: September 18, 1946
Seat : Vienna

The Austrian-Swedish Society (ÖSG) is an association that has set itself the goal of maintaining and promoting personal, cultural, economic and political relationships between Austria and Sweden . The ÖSG is based in Vienna . Viveka Slama has been President of the ÖSG since January 2013.


The association goes back to the SVEA, which was founded in 1920 by Austrian students who got to know the Swedish language and culture while staying in Sweden . The ÖSG in its present form was founded on September 18, 1946.

Previous chair of the ÖSG:

  • 1946–1976 Karl Lammel
  • 1976–1988 Kurt Schmid
  • 1988–2001 Irmtraut Karlsson
  • 2001-2010 Sten Häggblom
  • 2010-2013 Ingela Bruner

In January 2013, Viveka Slama was elected as the new President at the General Assembly. Vice-President is Lars Hellberg.

Honorary Presidency

  • Austria: Margit Fischer
  • Sweden: HE Nils Daag, Swedish Ambassador in Vienna

tasks and goals

The ÖSG is a non-profit organization that aims to sustainably consolidate and maintain bilateral relations between Austria and Sweden in all areas and to promote practice in the use of the Swedish language.

Furthermore, the level of knowledge about social developments in Sweden and Austria - also in comparison to each other - is to be increased and promoted through scientific work, studies and events. This is achieved through events, lectures, seminars, symposiums and publications.

The ÖSG works on a voluntary and impartial basis for the relations between Sweden and Austria as well as for the perception of Sweden in Austria. In its statutes, the association commits itself to an unbiased and peaceful dialogue between nations, cultures and denominations .

ÖSG members today are both Austrians and other citizens interested in Sweden as well as Swedes who live in Austria and want to maintain contact with their home country and exchange with other people with a connection to Sweden.

The association particularly focuses on promoting students with a special connection to Sweden, be it through family connections to Sweden, studying Scandinavian Studies or an exchange stay at a Swedish university. Relations with universities are an important part of the ÖSG network. In addition, the ÖSG cooperates with other organizations and institutions related to Sweden: for example with the Swedish Embassy , the Swedish Chamber of Commerce , SWEA, the Association of Austria-Nordic Countries or the Church of Sweden .

Club activities

In addition to club evenings, special tours, discussion forums or film evenings, celebrations on major Swedish public holidays are an integral part of the ÖSG program. The company especially celebrates the Svenska Flaggans Dag on June 6th, Midsommar and the Jul festival .

ÖSG magazine God Jul

The ÖSG magazine "God Jul" has been published once a year in December since 2010. It contains, among other things, information about the ÖSG, editorial articles about Sweden, recipes and Swedish songs. The magazine is aimed at anyone interested in Sweden and is sold on the ÖSG website and at various events.

Web links


  1. ^ Association statutes of the ÖSG (PDF; 63 kB)
  2. ^ Website of the ÖSG