Austrian military newspaper

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Austrian military newspaper
Oesterreichische Wehrzeitung.jpg
language German
First edition January 10, 1920
attitude May 27, 1938
Article archive All expenses

The Österreichische Wehrzeitung was a weekly Austrian military newspaper that appeared in Vienna between January 10, 1920 and May 27, 1938 . It came out of Danzer's army newspaper and the Military Social Rundschau . It was the organ of the Austrian officers' association. Initially committed to the economic interests of professional gagists , in the following years the focus was on cultivating camaraderie. After the “ Anschluss ” it was first incorporated into the Kyffhäuserbund and discontinued after a few weeks.


The Austrian Wehrzeitung was founded in 1920 by Friedrich Kollarz and Edmund von Glaise . Emil Fey was the first editor . 1923–24 Wilhelm Lamberg, 1925 Viktor Eberle. In 1926 Egon von Lauppert took over the editorial and editor-in-chief. He developed the paper into a leading organ until it was discontinued in 1938.


  • Helmut W. Lang (Ed.): Austrian Retrospective Bibliography (ORBI). Row 2: Austrian Newspapers 1492–1945. Volume 2: Helmut W. Lang, Ladislaus Lang, Wilma Buchinger: Bibliography of the Austrian newspapers 1621–1945. AT THE. Edited at the Austrian National Library. KG Saur, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-598-23384-1 , p. 186.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut W. Lang (Ed.): Austrian Retrospective Bibliography (ORBI). Row 2, Volume 2, 2003, p. 186.
  2. ^ Oskar Regele : Obituary Egon von Lauppert in Mitteilungen des Österreichisches Staatsarchiv 10 , Vienna 1957, online at