Øystein Langholm Hansen

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Øystein Langholm Hansen, 2013
Photo: Jarle Vines

Øystein Langholm Hansen (born August 4, 1957 ) is a Norwegian politician of the social democratic Arbeiderpartiet (Ap). He has been a member of parliament in Storting since 2017 .


From 2005 Hansen worked as district secretary at the Norwegian trade union umbrella organization Landsorganisasjonen i Norge (LO).

Hansen entered the Norwegian national parliament in Storting for the first time in the 2017 general election . He narrowly prevailed against the Høyre politician Aleksander Stokkebø . He represents the Rogaland constituency in parliament and became a member of the Transport and Communications Committee.

Web links

Commons : Øystein Langholm Hansen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Birgitte Flote: Her innser Ap-politikaren at han Skal på Stortinget. In: Stavanger Aftenblad. September 12, 2017, accessed July 10, 2020 (Norwegian).