Česlovas Balsys

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Česlovas Balsys is a former Lithuanian civil servant and politician , deputy minister .


From April 15, 1991, Balsys was the first deputy minister of trade of the Republic of Lithuania . From October 12, 1991, he was First Deputy Minister for Trade and Material Resources , Vice Minister for Trade Affairs . From February 12, 1997 to February 31, 2011, Česlovas Balsys was director of the National Tobacco Control Authority ( lit.Valstybinės tabako ir alkoholio kontrolės tarnyba prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės ), appointed by Prime Minister Gediminas Vagnorius .

Individual evidence

  1. Dėl Balsio
  2. Dėl Balsio ir Rumsko
  3. Dėl atleidimo
  4. Dėl Č.Balsio ( Government of Lithuania )