Đào Duy Anh

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Đào Duy Anh (born April 25, 1904 , † April 1, 1988 ) was a Vietnamese historian and supporter of the communist independence movement .


Dao Duy Anh was born in Thanh Hoa Province. He was taught Chinese at a young age. He then received a western-oriented education at Quoc Hoc College in Huế and the Lycée Dong Hoi in Quang Binh Province. In 1927 he was one of the founding members of the nationalist Tan Viet party . He worked as a teacher in Hue and became a well-known essayist and writer. He advocated westernization as a modernization of the country, but at the same time was inclined to Marxism . From 1927 he worked under Huynh Thuc Khang on the newspaper Tien Dan . Because of his nationalist activities, he was imprisoned by the colonial authorities. During the 1930s, Dao Duy Anh concentrated on working on Sino-Vietnamese and Franco-Vietnamese dictionaries. Dao Duy Anh later became one of the country's earliest nationalist historians. He wrote numerous standard works including a complete history of the country in 1964 and a lexical work on the history of Kiều in 1974.

In 1945 he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam . He also briefly taught at Hanoi University . During the Indochina War he served as a school teacher and tried to continue his historical research.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Christopher E. Goscha : Historical Dictionary of the Indochina War, Copenhagen, 2011, p. 130
  2. Bruce Lockhardt, William J. Duiker: Historical Dictionary of Vietnam , Oxford, 2006, p. 97