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The İnançoğulları , also Beylik of Lâdik or Inanjiden , were a short-lived Beylik in Anatolia .

From 1261 a Turkmen principality was formed in Ladik / Denizli . In 1276/77 this was first conquered by the Sahipataoğulları and later by the Germiyan . The progenitor İnanç Bey belonged to the Germiyan family and was installed as their governor in Ladik. In 1314 he became a vassal of the Ilkhan . In 1333 Ibn Battuta visited Inanç Bey. İnanç Bey died after 1334. His son and successor Murat Arslan died before 1360. The third and last Bey was his son İshak Bey. From 1368/69 the Beylik belonged again to the Germiyan Beylik. In 1390 the Beylik was conquered by Bayezit I.
