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Denizli (Turkey)
Red pog.svg
Coque de Denizli.jpg
Denizli-Crow statue in the city center
Basic data
Province (il) : Denizli
Coordinates : 37 ° 46 '  N , 29 ° 5'  E Coordinates: 37 ° 46 '24 "  N , 29 ° 5' 12"  E
Height : 354  m
Surface: 12,134 km²
Residents : 1,005,687 (2016)
Population density : 83 inhabitants per km²
Telephone code : (+90) 258
Postal code : 20,000
License plate : 20th
Structure and administration (as of 2019)
Structure : 19 boroughs
Mayor : Osman Zolan ( AKP )
Template: Infobox Location in Turkey / Maintenance / District Without Inhabitants Or Area

Denizli is a Turkish provincial capital in western Asia Minor and with 1,005,687 inhabitants (as of 2016) is the second largest city in the Aegean region after Izmir .

The first settlements in the area of ​​today's Denizli are dated to around 4000 BC. Dated. The area was conquered or settled by Hittites , Phrygians , Greeks , Romans , Seljuks and Mongols . The city is the successor settlement of the nearby Laodikeia on Lykos .


Geographical location

The city is located in the center in 354 meters in an inclined towards the northeast, slightly rolling countryside, partly arise from the many small rivers in the southern mountains or just around and in Denizli and the catchment area of the Çürüksu include Çayı, in the Great Meander flows . The Vali Recep Yazıcıoğlu Dam is located in the immediate vicinity east of the city. Denizli is about 190 km from the Gulf of Gokova on the Aegean Sea .

City structure

The city of Denizli is divided into 19 districts , including two so-called central districts, Merkezefendi and Pamukkale .

Population in the 19 districts as of December 31, 2016
district Area
Residents Density
(inh / km²)
Acıpayam 1,772 55.279 31
Babadağ 124 6,498 53
Baklan 283 5,632 20th
Bekilli 304 7,045 24
Beyağaç 333 6,611 20th
Bozkurt 462 12,715 28
Buldan 523 27,335 53
Çal 860 19,431 23
Çameli 758 18,238 25th
Çardak 423 8,798 21st
Çivril 1,570 60,721 39
Güney 362 10.197 29
Honaz 449 32,136 72
Kale 684 20,465 30th
Merkezefendi 336 287,852 857
Pamukkale 823 337,444 410
Saraykoy 379 30.173 80
Serinhisar 256 14,600 57
Tavas 1,432 44,517 31
Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi (overall) 12.134 1,005,687 83


The city has an overall dry climate due to its location between the Aegean Sea and Central Anatolia . The average annual temperature is 16.5 ° C. The warmest months are July and August with an average of just under 28 ° C, the coldest December, January and February with an average of below 10 ° C. The lowest temperature since the start of measurements was recorded on February 15, 2004 at -10.5 ° C. Summer temperatures can reach over 40 ° C in the shade during the heat waves, which often last several days and occur from June to September. The highest temperature since measurements began was recorded on August 15, 2007 at 44.4 ° C. An average of 553 millimeters of precipitation falls annually. Most precipitation falls in December on average about 85 millimeters, the lowest precipitation is recorded for the months of July, August and September.

Denizli (425 m)
Climate diagram
J F. M. A. M. J J A. S. O N D.
Temperature in ° Cprecipitation in mm
Source: State Meteorological Office of the Turkish Republic, normal period 1981-2010
Average monthly temperatures and rainfall for Denizli (425 m)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max. Temperature ( ° C ) 10.8 11.9 15.9 20.9 26.6 31.7 34.7 34.7 30.3 23.9 16.9 12.1 O 22.6
Min. Temperature (° C) 2.5 2.8 5.3 9.5 13.7 18.1 20.9 20.6 16.4 11.9 7.0 4.2 O 11.1
Temperature (° C) 6.1 6.9 10.2 14.9 20.2 25.2 27.9 27.5 22.8 17.2 11.3 7.7 O 16.5
Precipitation ( mm ) 74.0 74.1 65.0 56.2 37.4 25.9 17.7 8.9 11.8 31.6 65.5 84.5 Σ 552.6
Hours of sunshine ( h / d ) 3.5 4.1 5.4 6.4 8.6 10.5 11.0 10.2 8.6 6.3 4.4 3.1 O 6.9
Rainy days ( d ) 11.0 10.9 10.8 10.4 7.7 4.3 2.3 2.0 2.9 5.7 8.2 11.8 Σ 88
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


The area around the city had been inhabited since prehistoric times and later belonged to the Byzantine Empire . The nearby ancient city of Laodikeia on Lykos was built about 6 km north of Denizli between 261 and 245 BC. Built by Antiochus II in the place of an older settlement called Diospolis. It was named after his wife Laodike . In Roman times, the city was the center of a judicial district ( conventus ) of the province of Asia , was considered an economic center and was an important cotton-growing area. At the beginning of the 4th century, Laodikeia was metropolis of the Phrygia Pakatiane province . Between 363 and 364 the Council of Laodicea took place there. In Central Byzantine times, Laodicea was part of the theme of Thrakesion , but had lost all meaning after an earthquake in 494.

The area around the city was conquered by the Seljuks under Çaka Bey's leadership between 1081 and 1095 , and the city was founded in its current location. The inhabitants of Laodikeia on Lykos (Lâdik) were resettled in the Seljuk period after the later Denizli. In the course of the conquest of Anatolia by the Seljuks and on the run from the later expansion of the Mongolian Ilkhans , there were numerous immigration of Turkish tribes to Anatolia. Al-Umari recorded 200,000 Oghuz tents in Denizli in the 14th century. The area of ​​Denizli belonged at times to the Beyliks of the Sahipataoğulları , Germiyan and İnançoğulları . Ibn Battūta visited the city in 1332 and described Denizli with its seven mosques and marketplaces as one of the most beautiful and largest cities in Anatolia. In 1390 Bayezid I. conquered Denizli, later it belonged temporarily to the domain of Timur .

Denizli belonged to the Vilâyet-i Aydın in the Ottoman Empire .

Development of the name

The city's earliest spelling is Ṭoñuzlu . The adjective ṭoñuzlu refers to ṭoñuz (pig). So it was initially a place full of pigs . In Ibn Battuta's Seyahatname the city is called Dūn Ġuzluh , which Ibn Battuta himself translates as "city of pigs". This name may go back to the presence of Christian pig farmers in the city. A euphemistic change is already visible in Timur . With him comes the name Tenguzluğ (from Old Turkish. Tengiz for sea ). Following this, Evliya Çelebi led the name of the city back to the rivers and lakes in the area; because Tengiz or Deniz can also be called lake, river or simply water. Lâzıkıyye Denizli or Denizli Lâdik , as it was often called to distinguish it from the old Lâdik (Laodikeia), can therefore be translated as "Water-rich Lâdik". Several spellings corresponding to the meanings of Ṭoñuzlu and Denizli appeared in the course of the city's history, until the current name Denizli finally prevailed.


Population development

The population of Denizli increased from 2,500 in 1888 to 15,704 in 1927, 48,925 in 1960, 135,373 in 1980, 275,500 in 2000 and to over a million in 2016.

date Residents
1888 2,500
October 28, 1927 15,704
October 23, 1960 48,925
October 24, 1965 64,331
October 25, 1970 82,372
October 26, 1975 106.902
October 12, 1980 135,373
date Residents
20th October 1985 169.130
October 21, 1990 203,800
October 22, 2000 275,500
December 31, 2007 324.200
December 31, 2008 479.381
December 31, 2009 488,768
December 31, 2010 498,643
date Residents
December 31, 2011 511.751
December 31, 2012 525.497
December 31 2013 963.464
December 31, 2014 978,700
December 31, 2015 993.442
December 31, 2016 1,005,687


City government

Denizli City Hall on Delikliçınar Square

Mayor of Denizli is Osman Zolan from the Islamic conservative AKP . In 2011 he took over the office from his predecessor Nihat Zeybekçi (AKP), who was mayor from 2004. Other mayors of the city were Ali Aygören ( DYP ) from 1999 to 2004, Ali Marım (until 1994 SHP , then CHP ) from 1989 to 1999, Ziya Tıkıroğlu ( ANAP ) from 1984 to 1989, Hasan Gönüllü (CHP) from 1973 to 1984 and the first Mayor Ali Dertenel (DYP) from 1963 to 1973. The City Hall is located on Delikliçınar Square.

Town twinning

Denizli maintains the following cities partnerships :

Culture and sights

Pamukkale sinter terraces

Denizli is for Turkey Denizli Kräher (Turk. Denizli Horozu famous called) Haushühner race, especially because of their appearance and color. The rooster of the Denizli crows is the symbol of the city and depicted in the city's coat of arms. This breed is one of the oldest long crane breeds in the world. The typical Denizli crow's rooster has black eyes, dark gray legs, a long neck and a red crest. It weighs 3 to 3.5 kg and has a characteristic crows.

A large part of the Seljuk caravanserai of Akhan (Turkish Akhan Kervansarayı ), which is about 6 km northeast of the city on the Denizli-Afyon expressway, has been preserved. The caravanserai was built between 1253 and 1254 by Karasungur bin Abdullah, who was the commandant of Denizli Lâdik. In the vicinity of the caravanserai there are some konaks that visitors can use to stay overnight.

In the north of Denizli travertine are of Pamukkale with the ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis , which together World Heritage of UNESCO are. Pamukkale's spring water is saturated with calcium hydrogen carbonate . When it escapes, the drop in pressure causes carbon dioxide to escape , which exceeds the solubility limit of calcium carbonate , which precipitates in the form of travertine . 250 liters of thermal water (approx. 30 ° C) are poured out every second, i.e. H. 21,600 m³ daily. 2.2 g of lime are dissolved in one liter, some of which is excreted; the daily amount could thus reach a maximum of 48 tons, in fact it is significantly less.

There are several parks in Denizli, the largest of which is İncilipınar Park with an area of ​​17.4 hectares . Other parks are Adalet Park, Bağbaşı Park, Çamlık Park, Eskihisar Park, Servergazi Park, Sumer Park and Yunus Emre Park.


The Denizlispor football club , which was founded on May 26, 1966 and has played in the top Turkish league several times, is based in Denizli . The home of the association is the Denizli Ataturk Stadı . The biggest international success reached the Horozlar ( "taps") in the 2002/03 season of the UEFA Cup when they the first knockout round reached and only at the later Cup winner FC Porto failed. Denizlispor has been playing in the Turkish second division since the 2010/11 season .

With Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyespor and Kızılcabölükspor , the city is represented by two other professional football clubs. Both clubs play in the TFF 3rd Lig . The home of Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyespor is Doğan Seyfi Atlı Stadı . Kızılcabölükspor plays at Tavas İlçe Stadı .

Economy and Infrastructure


The main industries in the city are the traditional textile industry and printing . Today around 9 percent of the Turkish textile industry is concentrated in Denizli. Other important branches of the economy are tourism and the production of marble . Artisanal and industrial companies also produce foodstuffs, leather and imitation leather goods and ceramic products. The production of fiber optics , which is of great importance in communications and telecommunications technology, is increasing . Fiber optic cables manufactured in Denizli are now exported to 28 countries, increasingly also to Europe.

Denizli's economy has seen a general upward trend with slumps since the markets were liberalized in the 1980s. This trend is confirmed by studies that rank Denizli among the fastest developing cities in Turkey.

There are a few bazaars in Denizli as well as modern business streets and western-style shopping centers. In the center of the city is the Kaleiçi Çarşısı (German bazaar in the castle ). It extends over 800 meters and houses many shops. It was established by the Seljuks in the 13th century, making it one of the oldest bazaars in Turkey. The Forum Çamlık is an account opened in 2008 shopping center in the south of Denizli. It attracts 7 million visitors annually. Another shopping center, Teras Park , opened in 2009 in the west of the city and has an area of ​​53,000 square meters.


The inner-city public transport is served by Dolmuşe and 34 bus lines , regional and long-distance transport Dolmuşe as well as long-distance and tourist buses. The departure or arrival point for long-distance and tourist buses is Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi Otobüs Terminali bus station, which opened in 2014 .

A cable car has been running on the Bağbaşı plateau in the Kervansaray district since 2015 .

Opposite the bus station is Denizli Tren Garı ( Denizli train station ). From here regional trains run by the state railway company TCDD in the direction of Izmir .

Denizli is a traffic junction on the European route E87 and a similar railway line. The E87 runs from Izmir via Aydın and Denizli to Antalya . The Aydın-Denizli motorway is a continuation of the existing O-31 motorway , which will be extended to Antalya and run through Denizli. Completion is planned for 2012. Work on a second bypass will be completed in spring 2011.

The Denizli Çardak Airport has recently become a national commercial airport. It is located about 65 km east of Denizli. A new terminal was opened there. The airport was also modernized and equipped with the latest technology. The Turkish Airlines flies from Denizli from to Istanbul , European Ataturk Airport . The Pegasus Airlines also flies from Denizli from Istanbul, but the Istanbul-Sabiha Gökçen . With 281,643 passengers in 2013, it is one of the smaller airports in Turkey.


Denizli is the seat of Pamukkale University , which was founded in 1992 and has around 52,000 students.

sons and daughters of the town

Denizli was the birthplace of numerous prominent personalities. The best known are the singers Özay Gönlüm , Sezen Aksu and Sıla Gençoğlu , the actors Erdem Ergüney , Settar Tanrıöğen , Tuba Ünsal and Bulut Aras as well as the entrepreneur Erol Aksoy and the soccer player Kadir Akbulut .


  • Thomas Corsten : The inscriptions from Laodikeia on Lykos . Volume 1. Habelt, Bonn 1997. ISBN 3-7749-2716-2
  • İsmail Şengün: Denizli Ekonomisine Tarihsel Bir Bakış . Ankara 1998. (Turkish)
  • Tarhan Toker: Denizli Tarihi 1070-1429 . Denizli 1968. (Turkish)

Web links

Commons : Denizli  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Statistics Institute of Turkey , accessed February 8, 2017 (MS Excel; 44 kB)
  2. a b Denizli Valiliği: The story of Denizli ( Memento of the original from May 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed on September 11, 2014. (Turkish) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Statistics Institute of Turkey , accessed February 8, 2017 (MS Excel; 44 kB)
  4. General Command of Mapping , accessed February 8, 2017
  5. ^ John Freely : The western shores of Turkey: discovering the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts , 2004, p. 182.
  6. Halil İnalcık Devlet-i Aliyye - Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Üzerine Araştırmalar 1 - Klasik Dönem (1302–1606) , p. 6
  7. Halil İnalcık Devlet-i Aliyye - Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Üzerine Araştırmalar 1 - Klasik Dönem (1302–1606) , p. 20
  8. ^ Encyclopædia Britannica : Denizli , accessed August 30, 2009. (English)
  9. Keyword Denizli in EI 2
  10. Carl Brockelmann: Middle Turkish Vocabulary . Budapest 1928, p. 213, transliterated there as toŋuz
  11. keyword Denizli in EI 1
  12. Horst Jürgen Grün (Ed. And transl.): The journeys of Ibn Battuta . Volume I, Munich 2007, p. 284
  13. Horst Jürgen Grün, Munich 2007, Volume I, p. 284, footnote 946
  14. Evliya Çelebi: Seyahatname . Istanbul 1935 edition, volume ix, pp. 192–195
  15. Turan Gökçe: XVI ve XVII. yüzyillarda Lâzikiyye (Denizli) kazâsi . Ankara 2000, pp. 15-20
  16. Denizli'nin Kardeş Şehirleri
  17. a b Pamukkale University : The economy in Denizli and globalization ( Memento of the original from January 9, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed September 1, 2009. (Turkish) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  18. Denizli Valiliği: Denizli - Global City ( Memento of the original from September 12, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Page 37, accessed September 12, 2014. (Turkish) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  19. Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi: The routes of the city buses , accessed on September 9, 2014. (Turkish)
  20. Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi: Departure and arrival times of regional trains (Denizli – Nazilli – Aydın – Söke – İzmir (Basmane)) , accessed on September 9, 2014. (Turkish)