Željko Peratović

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Željko Peratović (born September 22, 1966 ) is a Croatian journalist who most recently worked for the Croatian newspaper " Vjesnik ". He has been unemployed since his last resignation in 2005 and is considered persona non grata by the Croatian print media.

He was one of the first journalists to report in detail on war crimes that were also committed by the Croatian side during the war in Yugoslavia. For example, he reported in the Croatian weekly newspapers Globus and Nacional about the crimes that Croatian troops had committed against Serbs in 1991 in the northern Dalmatian town of Gospić .

In 2003, Peratović was awarded the “Press Freedom Award” by Reporters Without Borders Austria for his investigative contribution to the processing of Croatian war crimes.

On October 17, 2007, Peratović was arrested and interrogated for hours for allegedly disclosing state secrets on his blog. The Peratović case caused great international outrage. Journalists, politicians and even the Croatian police themselves spoke out in favor of the journalist. The then Croatian head of government Ivo Sanader immediately arranged for Peratović's release after he learned of his arrest. Peratović himself suspects the reason for his arrest in his criticism of the Croatian secret service and a power struggle between Prime Minister Sanader and President Stjepan Mesić .
