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Ḫilaruada , also Ḫelaruada , was a neo-Hittite king of Melid , who lived for the years 784 / 80–760 / 50 BC. Is documented in Urartian sources.


The Urartians invaded Melid at least twice during Ḫilaruada's reign, once in 784 or 783 BC. Under the Urartian king Argišti I and then again under king Sarduri II in 760, 753, 752 or 750 BC. Since the campaign of Sarduris II of Urartu, Melid was subject to the Urartians, at least until the Assyrians until 743 BC. Put an end to the Urartean supremacy in Melid. But then King Sulumal (min. 743–732 BC) ruled Melid.

Equation with Sa (?) Tiruntiya

In Urartean sources, Ḫilaruada is mentioned as the son of a Šaḫu who dates back to the early 8th century BC. Can be dated BC. There is a possibility that Šaḫu is identical with Sahwi, a ruler of Melid in a hieroglyphic Luwian inscription, who bore the title hero and possibly with a nameless king of Melid in Urartean sources or the likewise nameless ruler of Melid, the one in Aramaic Sources mentioned as opponents of King Zakur of Hamath can be identified. This inscription names Sahwi as the father of Sa (?) Tiruntiya, a king of Melid, who carried the title hero and sovereign of Malizi (= hieroglyphic Luwian name of Melid). Even if aḫu and Sahwi should be identical, this does not necessarily have to be the same for Ḫilaruada and Sa (?) Tiruntiya. The two names are very different, even if the reading of the hieroglyph sa is not entirely certain and the name ending ruada could represent a mutilation of the theophoric name element Runtiya , especially since it is not unusual for neo-Hittite rulers' names to be conspicuously distorted in other language sources. In Sa (?) Tiruntiya, if he is not actually to be equated with Ḫilaruada, it could be his brother, possibly his younger brother, if, as Urartean sources suggest, Ḫilaruada directly succeeded his father Šaḫu to the throne. Regardless of whether Sa (?) Tiruntiya sat before or after Ḫilaruada on the throne of Melid, whose older or younger brother was, it is certain that he was definitely King of Melid. Sa (?) Tiruntiya and his father Sahwi are also classified earlier, for example before the king Lalli mentioned in Assyrian sources (min. 853–835 BC) or as direct successors of Ḫilaruada.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Gwendolyn Leick: Who's Who in the Ancient Near East . London 1999, 2002, p. 92.
  2. a b c d e f g Trevor Bryce: The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History . Oxford, New York 2012, p. 108 f.
  3. ^ A b c Christian Marek, Peter Frei: History of Asia Minor in antiquity. Munich 2010, p. 804.
  4. ^ Trevor Bryce: The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History . Oxford, New York 2012, p. 266.
  5. ^ A b Trevor Bryce: The World of the Neo-Hittite Kingdoms: A Political and Military History . Oxford, New York 2012, p. 107 f.
predecessor Office successor
Šaḫu ( Sahwi ?) King of Melid
784 / 80–760 / 50 BC Chr.