1st concert piece for clarinet and basset horn

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The concert piece in F minor for clarinet, basset horn and orchestra No. 1 op. 113 ( MWV Q 23 ) is a work by the German composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy . It was written in 1832 for the two clarinetists Heinrich Joseph Baermann and his son Carl . It was originally set for the piano, later orchestrated by Mendelssohn's own hand.

To the music

The piece consists of three consecutive movements that together last about eight minutes:

  • Allegro con fuoco, F minor, 4/4 time
  • Andante, A flat major, 9/8 time
  • Presto, F major, 6/8 time

The first movement, a stormy "Allegro con fuoco", begins with a cadenza each on the clarinet and the basset horn . The whole movement is pervaded by a constant restlessness that rarely has relaxing moments. Cadenzas end it and lead into the calm "Andante", a "song without words". The calm is clouded only briefly twice, represented by C minor, before it starts again and lets the movement fade away. The virtuoso rondo with the performance title "Presto" is peppered with virtuoso runs and a main dance theme. The music takes its course exuberantly and happily before octave leaps conclude the work.


The concert piece in F minor is part of a deal between Mendelssohn and the Baermanns: Heinrich Joseph and Carl Baermann were supposed to prepare steamed noodles and cream strudel for Mendelssohn in his Berlin residence, for which he wrote a work for clarinet and basset horn. A corresponding entry can be found in the family book of the Baermann family. Because of their success, the three repeated the cooking and composing action for a second concert piece, Concert Piece for Clarinet, Basset Horn and Orchestra No. 2, Op. 114 a few days later . Carl Baermann wrote the orchestral version for the second composition.


Interpretations (selection)


  • Thomas Grass, Dietrich Demus, René Hagmann: The basset horn: its development and its music . BoD - Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2004, ISBN 3-8311-4411-7 , p. 98 f . ( limited preview in Google Book search).

Individual evidence

  1. Baermann - Mendelssohn , with Orfeo
  2. Concert piece No. 1 in F minor by Josef Jiskra