Samuel Fragments from the Dead Sea

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Samuel fragments (1QSam, 4QSam a, b, c ) are some fragments of leather rolls from caves 1 and 4 in Qumran on the Dead Sea, dating from the 3rd to the 1st century BC. Were described with texts from books 1 and 2 Samuel .

The versions partly differ from the later Hebrew Masoretic text and have some parallels to the Greek Septuagint version ( books of kings ). For the text history of the Samuel books , this leads to the conclusion that the Septuagint version and the Qumran version often represent older forms of the text than the later Masoretic text.

The fragments from Cave 4 were found in the 1950s and are now in the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem .

Description of the manuscripts

1QSam (1Q7)

1Q7 or 1QSam consists of eight fragments dating back to the 1st century BC. Or in the 1st century AD before the year 68. They contain texts from 1 Samuel 18.17–18, 2 Samuel 20.6–10, 21.16–18, and 23.9–12. The fragments are in the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris, signature Cod. Hébr. 1427 (3) questions. 1-6, 8.

4QSam a (4Q51)

4Q51 or 4QSam a was around 50/25 BC. Chr. Described. Over 150 fragments can be assigned to the manuscript, it contains large parts from 1 Samuel 1 to 2 Samuel 24. It is characterized by a number of special readings.

4QSam b (4Q52)

4Q52 or 4QSam b was established in the middle of the 3rd century BC. And is one of the oldest Bible fragments. The fragments contain parts from the 1st Book of Samuel, chapters 12-23.

4QSam c (4Q53)

4Q53 or 4QSam c was established around 100/75 BC. Chr. Described. It contains parts from 1 Samuel 25: 30–33 and 2 Samuel 14: 7–15.15. The manuscript was probably written by the same scribe as the church rule 1QS. This is indicated by parallels in the orthographic peculiarities of some words. There are always four spaces in place of the Tetragrammaton .


4QSam a

  • Eugene C. Ulrich: 4Q Sam a and Septuagintal Research , in: BIOSCS 8 (1975), pp. 24-39.

4QSam b

  • Edward M. Cook: 1 Samuel XX 26-XXI 5 According to 4QSam b , in: Vetus Testamentum 44 (1994), pp. 442-454.

4QSam c

  • Eugene Ulrich: 4QSam c : A Fragmentary Manuscript of 2 Samuel 14-15 from the scribe of Serek hay-yahad (1QS) , in: BASOR 235 (1979), pp. 1-25.

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